Gypsy Buckaroo

True dat, Internet. True dat.

So cool, I love that guy.

Hi, I'm Ants in my eyes Johnson and I liked this movie. I think. I can't tell. Because I can't see anything.

He's a keeper.

The critics agree: The Amazing Spider-Man 3 is 'meh'.


It passed; but barely. F+.

On the 4th of July. 'Merica!

Damages to it's reputation. Remember that the health department was investigating them because of that incident.

That bakery should still sue.

Ow my eye! I'm not supposed to get irony in it!

One of the many reasons why I hated high school.

Da Bulls.

Well done Internet. You can have a sip of my beer.

That's because a politician lying to its constituents and taxpayers is pretty common.

It's actually referred to as the Iran-Contra affair.

Grandegate - It's the big one fellas

"Dollars-to-donuts system this country is founded upon", haha. Well played AVClub.

That means that she was 35 when peter was born. Does that mean that Peter's dad knocked up his mom in high school?

Is that like dog years?