Gypsy Buckaroo

"It was him. Let's get him fellas!"


"Partying with the Gut!"

The King of the Whopper.

It's all connected!

I loved the improved commercial at the end. I hope we get another episode of those again. Maybe Two Brothers Two?

Sounds like an intro tag to a Futurama episode.

The files… They're in the cloud?

He will be branded a human-loving hippy.


I'm not a huge fan of the Foo Fighters, but this was so incredibly cool.

This was expected… How else is MTV supposed to fill its schedule? With music? Cracker please.

Some executive probably brought up that 12-34 year olds love 'em some emojis; but then they also remembered that they don't have the rights.


Partying with the Gut.

I need more! MORE!

This summer, Bryce Dallas Howard refuses to take her pump-shoes off when nature strikes again; In: Jurrasic World 2: Attack of the Clooneys.

It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Jurassic Word 2.

I'm with you.

- Wait a minute, Xena can't fly.
- I told you, I'm not Xena. I'm Lucy Lawless.