Gypsy Buckaroo

It's science!

Directed by Ed Wood.

Who would've thought that there was enough footage of him falling down to make a 4 minute video.

Shame! *Ding

We finally really did it … You Maniacs! You blew it up! Ah, damn you! God damn you all to hell!

Proof that creativity is not gained through osmosis.

The Simpsons gif by Kayleigh Anne was pure gold. Well played.

Better this way. No one can say "gigawatts" like Christopher Lloyd.

*air guitars

It looks like they're going to ghost-hunt in the 1920's.

I second that motion.

*Still-shot of Spiderman shooting his web to the air.

They use liquid hydrogen or oxygen not gasoline.

I don't see what the big deal is. It's the obvious next step.


You want moar?!

That's not sodium they're tasting. It's freedom, baby!

I'm sure his girlfriend is super proud of him.

I'll settle for him giving Foggy a haircut.

Duffman, Can't see. Oh no.