Gypsy Buckaroo

F+, Internet.


Like a douchebag with a really bad comb-over.

The GOP candidates are such a good source of comedy.

Well, it's definietely not the Season of the Witch.

*Cue in Celebration by Kool and The Gang


They called a global alien invasion the War of '96? I thought Bill Pullman already called it the War of Independence.

Ha, I had the same thing happen to me when I talked about stars on a second date. It was supposed to be romantic, then it quickly turned sour. At least plate-tectonics is much easier to argue. The science is foolproof.

You can thank her when the world freezes over and you have her book to burn to keep yourself warm.

Are you really comparing a one and a half hour movie with a 500 page book?

In your defense, she probably doesn't believe in that.


The popularity of these books is not, in my opinion, correlated to the class gap in a society. If anything, I would say it's correlated to the masses thirst for quick self-satisfaction. There is no actual moral that can be derived from these books; instead the reader is bombarded with simple language and cheap

Plot aside, these books are also terribly written. Taking into consideration that the target audience is suburban, middle-aged, educated women, how can they stand reading this?

At least they haven't made the women soccer teams wear shorter shorts yet. That league is just terrible.

For shame!

Meghan Kelly: Your source for political-correctness.

The simpsons' "yoinks" are the best

The doctor from Arrested Development must've written this article.