Gypsy Buckaroo

Hmm.. I didn't know that. Then let us rejoice. They live!

They should really change the title of this article.

I agree. There was a thaw that same day. Why would they think that there was enough snow to cushion their fall?
Conclusion: It was a suicide.
Next Stark.


Haha, so sad…

If the plots of the movies were basically crap until now, and the foreign audiences still pay a ton of money to watch these movies, then why waste time and money on hiring talented writers?

Sean Bean is in this. Might we finally get another Sean Bean death?

Mess with the best, die like the rest.

Hot Fuzz! One of my favorite all-time movies.

It can work at any situation, even dumb things like someone cutting you in line, that's the beauty of it.

Thanks to Commando, the Simpsons gave us McBane!!!!


Pointing the gun at the air and shooting while screaming in frustration is one of my dreams.

It's one of the few absolute truths about life. Impossible to argue.

I remember that there's a McBane scene in a Simpsons episode where they make fun of that and show something exploding from something like 10 different angles and it went on for so long. It was beautiful.

That was AMAZING!

I love how a bunch of dumb statistics about what young people supposedly like, dictate the direction of shows.

