PC Thug

I was watching it regularly after Trevor Noah took over, hoping it would be good, and really tried to give it a chance to get better, but it’s just not as good and just makes me miss Jon Stewart. I’m glad that she’s getting the chance to be awesome on her own :)

Every once in a while, I watch it to see if it’s gotten any better...but as of last night, still not great and I still miss Jon Stewart. I’m thrilled there will be somewhere I can watch her without having to suffer through TDS.


Good for her - she’s hilarious and definitely too good for the current iteration of TDS.

She is a tall, statuesque woman who can probably pull off all kinds of things someone more petite can't. And with that amazing skin tone and her crazy funny personality? You'd think designers would be jumping to offer up something out-of-the-box for her.


It's cool you get my seal of approval.

That was such a nom sequitur.

He seems so otterly satisfied.

His expression is one of such, ahem, otter delight.

It’s not very kind to anyone in the service industry - and for that I most definitely apologize. But it blows my mind when people deign to slam someone with a science degree and hard won skills when said critic has no clue what they’re talking about (hence the explanation as to what we say when we hang up the phone).

I kind of doubt anyone flipping a burger trying to make their way through life has the time to worry about a meteorologists clothing ensemble. BUT, I get what you’re saying.

She was kind. I honestly wanted her to rip that person a new one. How dare they think it’s ok to contact someone over their appearance and they seem so personally aggrieved like their day is a little worse because of someone's fashion choice. It’s like the person that tells you to smile like you owe it to them. And

You want to know what broadcasters want to say when criticized by viewers or listeners? “I don’t call you at work to tell you how to flip the burgers, honey.” A meteorologist has studied long and hard for that degree - and having to meet all sorts of appearance expectations from television producers is a pain in the

Please make “it’s raining tampons” (a punk version of it’s raining men) your first single.

Menstrual Justice is my new feminist punk band,.

I too think about these type of things. I can tell you what I would do. HAND TO PAW COMBAT WITH THE WOLF. Because I am liam neeson.

This woman is so badass.

Guys I am snorting at my desk and sincerely needed this today. But like, you left out the legit winner forever and ever from Kelly Faircloth: