There’s plenty of people in this country who don’t deserve Trump..and they’re the ones currently working their butts off to try and stop him from being elected.
There’s plenty of people in this country who don’t deserve Trump..and they’re the ones currently working their butts off to try and stop him from being elected.
I love that hashtag, and I usually hate hashtags.
Billy really is doing God’s work. #MakeAmericaBrannigan
I’d rather vote Zapp than Trump.
There’s a level on which my favorite part of this is the official press release containing the sentence “We are not screwing around, Philly.”
Yes, I’m not sure what the shaming surrounding people utilizing social programs designed to level the playing field/provide needed support is. Can’t bootstrap if you have no shoes.
That’s the logical conclusion yes. But to think like a Trump supporter you need to add some bigotry, fear mongering and entitlement and then you’ll realize that affirmative action is just taking things from hard working white people and giving it to black people who don’t deserve it because black people get to have…
Even if he was an affirmative action admission all it would prove is that affirmative action kicks ass and is worth the investment, because we got Barack Freaking Obama out of it.
If you’ve watched cable news coverage of the election for even a fraction of the amount of time that I have over the…
But you can have a violent, over-the-top action movie with a cast of sadistic characters where the narrative isn’t sexist (female characters are written as fully-rounded characters, the evilness isn’t predicated on sexist tropes), and where the plot is engaging and the jokes are funny? Nothing about “violent criminals…
Today on Highlight Reel we have Source Filmmaker recreations of viral hits, rockets, newspaper readings, Reaper…
I am tired of this negativity. Deadspin always sees the glass as 19/31 empty. I choose to see it as 12/31 full.
I found my login just to back you up here, I’d rather we don’t have to deal with his garbage again
Chritter dismissed that comment because chritter was simply amazed that a troll was willing to derail a thread about a young woman’s murder to play out some kind of personal grudge.
I woke up and read this story on CNN. It left me teary and angry. A young woman with opinions murdered by her own brother just for being a young woman with opinions. The waste, the loss... it’s hard to process. How does a society hope to thrive if it threatens half its members with murderous violence for the crime of…
I was gonna write “inb4 all the ignorant and racist bullshit” but there’s already a “fuck off” comment, so I guess I’m too late.
It’s not about getting caught, it’s that they’re not used to being reprimanded for anything so they do what they want.
The people they do this kind of stuff to generally don’t have a lot of power. I’m not sure what happened in this case, but it clearly got some media attention, which is probably the only reason this woman ever got in trouble. Most of the time, who’s going to listen to a homeless woman with anxiety problems?
Even worse, I am sorry I am being punished for my actions that I secretly still think are right.