I think if you’d read the article, and seen that not only was water leaking in but the owner was 10 days from trashing them, that “saved” is very appropriate.
I think if you’d read the article, and seen that not only was water leaking in but the owner was 10 days from trashing them, that “saved” is very appropriate.
Anyone else getting kinda worried about this game? I feel like it might fall quite short of the hype around it.
Wearing a team t-shirt over an expensive dress shirt is just below “acceptable” when it’s the lawyer bros that get the giveaway shirt when they walk into the game to sit in their expensive free seats. For a dickhead owner, it’s down on the scale next to “wrong-sport-and-city-jersey” guy at the arena.
They won the title last year, and won 73 games in a good conference this year.
Right. I was referring to that which appears to be a Native American design on the front of his jacket in the video.
I’m cringing so hard I think I pulled a muscle. What fresh hell is this? On what planet is Barack Obama a flower child? He may not do a cowboy swagger like his predecessor did, but he’s pretty tough—or did you forget about the strike he authorized that killed Osama bin Laden.
If they wanted to keep Drake out of the arena, maybe they shouldn’t have named the team the Toronto Rapstars, Tom. Because rap is the style of singing Drake is most known for, and he happens to be one of the biggest Rapstars in what young people refer to as, “the game.” It’s not Drake the Rapstar’s fault that you…
Well hopefully it’ll be more of a Fallout game than 4 was.
I bet they’re all safer than a motorcycle with five people on it, which is realistically what these cars are competing with. Making the cars safer will make them more expensive, which will make more people stick with the motorcycles, which will make them less safe.
This is so great, and I envy you Americans. Now it will be exposed how much extra sugar is added for no extra reason but for addictio—- uhm flavor.
will buy when its 10 bucks or even 5 bucks. i liked 4 but wasnt impressed. bring on ES VI
Jeepers, talk about this con not listening to the criticisms. There comes a time when if everybody is telling you that you done fucked up, maybe you should consider if you done fucked up
Tesla was part of the lawsuit as well
So every Republican legislature is a Native American then? I didn’t think so.
I can’t imagine booing someone’s creation while they’re in the room no matter how much I disliked it. Money not buying class and all that.
Cox is a fucking legend (Can we get her in a superhero role please? Maybe Barda? Captain Marvel? Whatever?)
To conform with the rest of society.
I have an unnatural adoration for Chloe Sevigny. I can’t even say I’m crazy about many of her films (I found Big Love execrable). But I find Chloe’s personality and style very agreeable; she and I are from the same hometown, and when she is interviewed I am transported back to childhood and the artsy kids I grew up…
It’s really hard to get the message the writer is sending when you don’t read more than the headline of the article.
Same thing came to mind. I don’t like the logo and there is absolutely no full body in it what so ever. If I’m proven wrong I’ll buy his game even if it sucks, which I hope it doesn’t but we will see. Kojima has a tendency for running late with things but here I am, Nintendo fan, several delays later and still no…