
She’s Beautiful.

learn to think before typing you moron

that’s like 00.01% of the population rest of us are peasants but to make us think WORK MAKES US GREAT is the con of the millenia.

Matilda - Is life always this hard, or only when you’re a kid?

I think there was a legitimate “why not give it a shot?” attempt by putin and donald to shift the entire political spectrum towards authoritarianism 

good writing m8, wish i could express myself like that

they’re playing ketchup

no physics (engines, propellers and other units’ placement matters in how the ship flies)? pass.

you’re an idiot.

why be a shitstirrer?

that’s exactly what this study is based on; relativity and comparison. Just didn’t go in detail - Harvard did...

can’t wait to be rid of all that yellow and brown in the middle.

yeah but there’s levels, and once your belief results in death, those beliefs have to be questioned and justified. In this case; belief = nonsense = guilty

fast forward a few decades of rule with such laws...

police will be breaking down YOUR door, no warrant needed, and if they “feel” threatened they just execute you, no trial necessary.

then your family finds out they just had the wrong address.


her belief that deadly force was immediately necessary

this is not an invention. How either of them got this patented (pending, i assume) is beyond me.

go away, old.

i think it’s 50/50

i think it’s 50/50

whoosh bro the debate is about ONLINE “speech”