
This is a good dream.

Kind of like someone who goes to a Trump rally and brings a friend?

Listen, and understand! Preston Garvey is out there! He can’t be bargained with. He can’t be reasoned with. He doesn’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And he absolutely will not stop, ever, until you help that settlement!

What about the other cop who was standing there while this piece of garbage dropped his taser by the victim? Where are the charges against him for obstruction of justice?

“Inciting violence” is only a thing in the States if you’re brown and begging not to get shot with your hands up and empty.

Is there a law to prosecute people who “promote” terrorism in the United States?

Right? Someone needs to at least sue, if not prosecute, Center for Medical Progress (god I hate typing that) for inciting this fucker. Dear may have pulled the trigger, but there is certainly plenty of blood on Dan Deleiden’s hands.

Brown/Muslim/Arab/black/Latino guy shoots someone or something? Thug/terrorist/cartel member/etc.

This guy studied One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest before he decided on his murderous rampage. White guy shoots up a clinic? Crazy. Brown/Muslim/Arab/black/Latino guy shoots someone or something? Thug/terrorist/cartel member/etc.

Soviet Union had amazing tanks during WW2.There are many reports of good Su-85s crews knocking out panthers/P5s before they could even be spotted.

my only reaction:

Now it makes me wonder, what is the guy at the bottom doing. “See this sonny, this is how we fondle the balls”

Be strong Comrade.. Be strong for mother Russia..

The internal conflict of having a successful U-boat and helping Nazis is real.

As a Portland fan, this was just too much. That first air ball three he shot was just so exciting. It gave me fleeting hope that he wasn’t going to be ready for this game. I was just hoping against all hope that he was back too soon and that we could make this a three game series. I told my roommate before overtime

This sounds good on paper, and I hope he can enact real change. But hiring a black Police Chief just feels like the kind of “we’re cool now, right?” approach the Mayor/City Council of a place like Ferguson would take. I still wonder how committed the city as a whole is to improving things.

The problem isn’t just that there aren’t enough Black cops, though, and they know it. Even Black cops profile Black people, and cops of all races beat, intimidate, frame, and rape people. THE PROBLEM IS THE COPS, PERIOD.

or more likely, it’s all a PR move. “Disconnect” sounds so much better than “harassment”, “murder”, and “racism”

I don’t think they’re treating this as News and rather more as a Public Service Announcement for anyone that didn’t know.