
Old, white, retired career Army officer here (infantry)...I do not see ANY partisan aspect to this photograph. It’s a non-problem, and it will fade away pretty quickly.

So Jesus hung out with tax collectors, lepers and prostitutes, but doesn’t want this guy to help a woman with a Berrnie Sanders bumper sticker?

I always knew god hated socialists.

I can’t believe that we have invented YET another thing African Americans can’t do without being found threatening. Do not clench or raise your fist. That is proof of your partisan activity and you will be punished accordingly! What in the..??? Ironically, this is WHY we need SOCIAL activism like BLM, by the way BLM

The fact that you’re a former soldier and don’t see the difference between this and someone giving a nazi salute frightens the hell out of me.

You equating BLM with Nazism says all there is to know about you.

Is belief in equality partisan?

Yes. Mainly because that’s completely and obviously different.

Pretty much. There are some animals that don’t need to be pets and should be left alone.

I think patience is also a strong, welcomed side-effect of this concept too

Notice More Things

Eye fatigue from fixing your gaze on a lurid screen. Back cricks from the bad chair. Shivering from too much

I think the last minute of the game should be called like every other minute of the game (to be clear, I don’t think that’s exactly “by the book”). Why should it be otherwise?

Every new restaurant that opens in my city is moving towards unisex bathrooms. I hope this trend continues.

In addition the reason why the army saluted with their right hand showing the palm (and still doing so) was to show they didn’t have a weapon in their hand as they passed on the left.

Until they do something that reminds us they are women and/or PoC, then they are "ruining everything".

Women and POC are commodities.


See Bruh, it ain’t no thang.

It looks like it was the current. Notice how it slides the truck sideways. Then it stops sliding; I bet there’s a curb or railing under the water the truck was running against like a redneck Initial D. When the curb ends the current pushed the nose over and he’s swept off.

This is the most depressing part, after a 27 year gap