
It really depends on what specifically you’re trying to glue to what - you can drill down on various professional adhesives, many of which are a hot-glue type, here: http://www.mcmaster.com/#adhesives/

You know how they’re doing it? Pulling that non-union bullshit and working people until they lose their minds. They have 111 PAs in the credits because there was massive PA turnover. They quit. I know the production manager who did one of the LA portions of that job and she almost had a nervous breakdown dealing with

Westbrook is obviously the face of insanity, but watch him clench his fist as that Cuban question is coming. He wants to put his fist through the wall SO BAD.


Not enough people are talking about the significance of Serena, Amandla, Quvenzhane, and Zendaya’s cameos.

I haven't even gone in there. I have been enjoying the co-op missions, it seems silly to have a place unrestricted by level, why go in if you aren't maxed out? Then again, what is the point if you are already maxed out?

Honestly, if there were a gossip item every time my husband and I had words... well I wouldn’t need to release a visual album is all I’m saying. Couples have spats. The idea that every argument is a divorce in the making is NON. SENSE.

I have yet to see one that doesn't.

Newflash dipshits: if someone is going to sexually assault someone in a public restroom they already don’t care if they’re supposed to be in there or not. Making up some stupid transphobic rule under the guise of public safety won’t make a lick of difference.

ANY game that forces PVP participation for PVE rewards and progression is a failure in my books. I don’t want to mess with other people or fuck around against overpowered assholes or lose an hour’s farming to someone I can’t even damage. Fuck. That.

I can just picture it, the Ubisoft developers playing some Day-Z, robbing some poor passerby blind, and realizing, “Hey, why don’t we do this sort of thing in OUR game?”

Man, there sure are plenty of great/punchable faces in that clip.

Here here!

Beyoncé’s upcoming album.... One track featured Serena Williams

I don't like the comments I'm reading on here. Yea they ran from the cops, but basically saying because they ran from the cops they deserved to die is just as wrong as them running from the cops. They may have been bad apples but they still should have survived to be held accountable for their actions.

I love how Prince was downplaying his basketball skills while trash talking Charlie haha.

They rant about Sharia Law while creating Sharia Law.

It’s amazing that Republicans have not turned America into a third world country. They are so damaging at all levels of government. I read a few days ago that some people think they are independents politically. My god, how can any American with two neurons be an independent these days?

Am I the only one who sees it?

So Taurusi's Russian team is funded by some billionaire who's willing, and able, to lose millions of dollars on his franchise. The WNBA, as far as I know, is primarily funded by the NBA, which has so far been stubbornly willing to subsidize the money-losing WNBA. And the NBA seems to be pretty much printing money