I remember those games, also they were flagrant violators of copyright if memory serves. So many stolen assets from Age of Empires.
I remember those games, also they were flagrant violators of copyright if memory serves. So many stolen assets from Age of Empires.
They really should have spent the $40 million dollars on actually making a game, and not advertising a money sink.
Manziel: "Yes, hello ma'am I'm calling because I need help. I'm a addic..."
Is assholeism treatable or curable?
All this science is cool and all, but we've already known the location of the tower for over two years, and it's not any of the listed locations. Clearly Bungie wasn't trying too hard to be accurate. As pointed out in this thread, the last city, and therefore the tower, are actually in Puerto Princesa, Philippines.
So in other words citizens shouldn't judge cops based off the actions of a select few, but cops should definitely judge citizens based off the actions of a select few...
This montage brought to you by Destiny's very, very forgiving auto aim.
Explosive rounds are fool's gold. Firefly on the other hand...
Dont take it serious then just take it for what it is, an enjoyable 3min of amazing stunts in GTA V.
It's too bad Jezebel isn't behind Iggy, or else the tone would be:
"Granted, it's not a flawless run.Silverhawkz0 does die a few times, and the player also occasionally uses a different sniper rifle, as well as a rocket launcher in conjunction with No Land Beyond."
No way, you say? He stepped on Rodgers's ankle with his right leg and then proceeded to take another step back to step on Rodgers's calf, coincidentally the same calf that Rodgers injured earlier in the game.
How is it a problem for people with weekend jobs? You mean to tell me if someone has a weekend job they can't take 5 minutes out of their Friday or Saturday to run to the Tower and buy what they want from Xur? Or at least see if he has anything of worth? Getting to Xur isn't time consuming or inconvenient, getting the…
Man... those crackers may be assholes, but if they were right on one thing it is that Sony really needs to step up their game when it comes to defending against cyber attacks
yeah cause the art holds every customers valuable information.
these guys are kinda right. i don't need shit security where i use my credit card
I'm not so much angry at LS as i am with Sony and microsoft.
They both have a annual payment for PSN and XBOX live, with they money they get from PSN gold members and xbox live membership i would imagine they would have hired IT security expert's to look into their infrastructure and to ensure that no hacks or DDOS…
"It's clear from their actions that these political activists were more concerned about making a political statement and creating a media event than they were about the safety of others, who came to Mall of America for an afternoon of shopping and family entertainment,"
No, I'm questioning the "third" bit since she was shot before the cops.
This is the first I've heard at all of this first victim. I suppose it doesn't fit the police narrative that most media outlets were going for. I hope Ms. Thompson can find some comfort during her recovery.
"Third" victim?