
If we're all supposed to honor and respect you for being big strong men willing to take a bullet to enforce the law and protect the public, maybe you shouldn't undercut that by being hysterically overreactive crybabies about the slightest implication that maybe somebody in your ranks is doing a shitty job?

HOW IS THIS A THING? How can cops face criminals and bad guys, but balk in the face of even the mildest criticism when they totally fucked up?

Also, shouldn't we be able to punish them in some way for that sign claiming to be the original chicken sandwich? Can they prove that no one ever ate a chicken sandwich until Chick-Fil-A came along?

Eat Mor Corprat Bulees

Another Friday news dump by the NFL, er I mean ex-NFL exec, "independent" arbitrator Howard Henderson.

Big deal. Even if he walks from this case Hernandez has got to know he is still in big time trouble. With the league's new personal conduct policy, he's facing a six, maybe even eight game suspension.

If Arians didn't want the flag thrown then he should have given it to Ryan Lindley.

im sorry but can you all please stop bitching so much about the new vanguard gear for fucks sakes? Theres a lot of us who have lives and simply cannot put all the time required for the vault of glass. I think the new gear is a great addition, given that you had to pay for it 30.00 or did you forget already? All i

I just love her so much!

Half Life 3 CONFIRMED.

I'm also probably not buying this DLC, but it is funny to me how gamers will pay $20 for a 3D movie and a popcorn that lasts 2 hours, but $20 for a few hours of gaming is crap.

Selling my copy. Never been so disappointed in a game that is fundamentally so good. The total lack of story and the model is based entirely on unlocking more shit... Forget activision now, they are not interested in making games, only squeezing money out of addictive personalities.

I definitely love the speaker a lot more than the light bar. Even in Resogun I thought it was neat.

So far, my favorite is The Last of Us. You can listen to picked up voice recorder recordings on it. Perfect use for that!

All the big chains – McDonalds, Burger King – also manage to have franchises galore in Scandinavia, where I can assure you the wages are HIGH compared to here, and there is NO fucking telling workers that they can't organize. And yet these companies deem it worth it to operate there! Oh mystery of mysteries... how

Its burgers are also $6 and use actual quality beef rather than possum kidneys or whatever the fuck is in a McDouble . . .

I swear, I used to run a small family business, and we paid our employees at least $10/hr in 1995. Competitors were always clucking at me and my father for overpaying and no, we weren't rich, but he made 40k in a small midwestern town and I made 20k, which was a decent just getting out of college salary. People who

Blah, blah, liberal elitists something, something... Dictator-In-Chief Obummer, something something... Get a real job, something, something, welfare losers, blah, blah, blah.*

Also why do they have an obsession with adding protein to everything?

You don't need protein in the bun of your protein burger, and you don't need to coat your slab of chicken protein in more protein.

Why does no one ever realise that there is a maximum amount of protein the human body can process, and when you go over