The person who should feel the worst about that horrible play? The guy who filmed it in vertical mode. His life coach should be fired.
The person who should feel the worst about that horrible play? The guy who filmed it in vertical mode. His life coach should be fired.
Bungie is repetitive and not massive in content (yet), but its also one of the most fun recent games that you could play with a group of friends.
I can't think of anything more fun that my friends and I playing from the beginning together, ranking up together, sharing stories in real life about what transpired when we…
Albert, I expect you stopped looking at comments last night, but damn this is exceptional. I have enjoyed your posts tremendously and when you sock one that hits the reader in the gut it's amazing. People of color in this country need to be afraid of the police for good reason. They know that, but you educated a…
I want to know where she works, because I'd never get away with wearing an outfit like that (or the others from the article) at my desk job.
"Oh, I get to shoot black people with absolutely no consequences? SIGN ME UP"
Bet so many people are signing up to be cops now.
you cleaverly illustrator of racial divides, you!
It figures that a Watt would exhibit so much power.
What a thug.
It's a damn tragedy to film Prince in portrait mode.
My guess is that he is doing so to make the picture seem more impromptu. Gronk is posing, and bieber, by seemingly adjusting his hat or scratching his head, appears to be the one not posing, thereby making himself seem the bigger, more aloof star. In the picture that results, it will appear that Gronk was the one…
How is it baffling? Woman who thinks of herself as having good morals and values, in this case because she's one of those performing christian types, tears into young women for their behavior and appearance due to trying to score points with the norm as it pertains to her, but it results in a stunning display of…
So, let me get this straight: Missori cops want to punish black men for putting their hands up and saying "Don't shoot." Hrm.
you know what I find offensive? 18 year olds getting shot and prosecutors intentionally throwing the case
That Whole scene looked weird to me.
With the guy showing up out of nowhere I honestly though I was watching a parody or something at first
What about a two party system, like in the UK and...
My gta online doesn't work. "Timesout"
They had better be adding a ton of content, an actual economy, more matchmaking options or I will not be buying any DLC. The game is repetitive and boring. It also forces us to add random people to our PSN friends list to be able to do endgame content.
I don't really understand how can people still play this game beside PvP... Once I reach lv 29 I decided it was enough. The exotic race died down so fast once I noticed that they are not really better than a purple gear. The no matchmaking on the raid and higher contents just make me not care for them at all. And…