
And the fucks are at it again! Fuck you who betray the people you were elected to help! We’re sheep to these monsters, and they don’t give a shit! We grow our wool, and just when we’re getting warm, they come along with their electric clippers and shear our wool off, and we’re just naked, screaming little fucks! No

Uh... yeah. This does what it says on the tin—it’s an ancient, 1990s video from some Japanese TV show or informercial

Now playing

Twin Peaks Georgia Coffee ads, 1993. Damn fine canned coffee from Japan.

Intransigence? That’d really make the anti-SJW fans freak out.

Identity fluidity is inherent in the character even down to the name. Just don’t fuck with the British accent or I will cut a Dalek.

Isn’t there a gag about Sarah Jane’s bra in Mad magazine’s Doctor Oooh!?


A “brave new world” move would have been casting, say Emma Thompson, back in 2005 instead of Eccleston.


but but but THE HERO’S JOURNEY

No actually there’s only one option for “dedicated” fans who don’t like a woman being cast in the role. That would be the misogynist option. And yes women can also be misogynistic.

io9 is a bit sensible, but if you check out something like Youtube, Reddit, or god forbid the Daily Mail...yikes.

Which boggles my mind when it comes to a show like Doctor Who. For me, once I experienced The Regeneration Cycle, I understood it and moved on from it.

Are people really all that hung about the gender still? I mean, really? It feels like the BBC is making more of a ‘brave new world’ fuss about this than it’s really worth. They should be ashamed that they snubbed 50% of Britain’s acting talent for this long.

It is really odd. The predominant complaint people opposed to changes like this make is that it’s a completely identity politics-driven change, which is so deeply ironic since nothing could be more identity politics-driven than keeping your fiction in stasis because you’re so afraid of change. I mean, I’m a 40-year

This feels shockingly close to when people complained at the diversity in Star Trek Discovery. If you’re a fan of Doctor Who and you’re not open to new ideas and concepts*, are you really a Doctor Who fan?

So are those the only options for dedicated fans who don’t like a woman being cast in this role? They’re either misogynists or have a paucity of imagination?

Fandom is notoriously conservative, in the sense that it isn’t open to change. They have to be dragged kicking and screaming on story changes, character changes, casting choices - anything that isn’t representative of how they personally see “their” characters in their heads. I said “their”, because it involves this

I cannot think of a worse fiction to even attempt to play the “but it’s not realistic!” game with than Doctor Who, its world has virtually no consistent logic and lore.

It was the double speak for The Doctor she was using before today.