
Simple counter point...Moon Girl, Blade, Rocket, Vixen, Steel, Aqualad, John Stewart, Firestorm, Cyborg, Maggot, Spawn, Falcon, Bumblebee, War Machine, Bishop, Mr. Terrific...I’m sure there are more, but I hope you see my point. You blocked off a nice, convenient collection of names (and its a absolute stretch to

Whaaaaaaaaaat :0

Possibly but he even if he is as old as he looks there is plenty he could have seen. Wounded Knee Massacre was only in 1890.

I’ve been hoping for that since the picture showed up in BvS. I freaking love Apache Chief. I was crushed after watching WW and thinking since he was a one-off character we’d probably missed our chance. Now, I have hope. Yes, I realize it’s unlikely to happen, but now we have the tiniest little chance at some point in

I know he’s not Apache, but can he grow into a giant? Please let him grow into a giant. Please please please please! (Sorry, my childhood escaped for a minute). 

Ya it’s magic, its one of her gifts from the gods as a tool to save humanity she must be able to communicate with them.

Ya and not just Zack Snyders living gods deconstruction thing he has going with Supes.

Batman the Animated Series added Harley Quinn to the canon- I see no reason the DCEU couldn’t add Napi- I hope he shows up in the next Batman movie and then gets his own comic...

Whoa. Does she ever! Total smitten kitten.

I didn’t know I wanted a WW/Thor mashup until this article.

Chris Pine did a hilarious Lector parody on Angie Tribeca. He’s got some acting chops.

As a fellow member of the “American English Majors who spent time at the University of Leeds” club, I have to support this assessment. Sadly, I was a number of years too late to ever bump into him on an Otley run.

Sigh. Sigh + heart eyes emoji.

Look at that fucking gorgeous creative writing professor.

He does sometimes.

If he’s good enough for Gal Gadot, by gum, he’s good enough for me!