That sexist costume
That sexist costume
Personally, I just wished they’d stop. WB had one shot at getting this thing going, and they flubbed it. When I think of Marvel movies, I think of breezy fun that’s mostly inconsequential. When I think of DC, I think of my asshole college roommate blasting his tool CDs, and trying to teach me about moral relativism…
I mean that bland, copypasted, superhero franchise is still making money. The grimdark, fascist, murderfest franchise isn’t.
How much can you expect a success for Justice League to validate their vision when a second director was brought in and told to punch up the work Snyder already had done? The movie has plenty of Snyder’s work left in it, but the finished product is a hybrid of two very different directors’ styles and not a third…
Saw it yesterday.... First off this is going to turn a profit no matter what. Secondly.... this a terrible movie, where you can see the patchwork script and filmmaking that went into it. The visuals are inexcusably poor. What saves some of this mess are the performances. Definitely want to see more Wonder Woman,…
You know, using a person’s suicide as a means to defend a movie as immune from criticism is low even for Snyder fanboys. I mean, what does his daughter’s death have to do with his filmography? There’s nothing wrong with feeling sympathy for him because of what happened to his daughter, but using it as an excuse to…
It’ll be Brie Larson’s turn to get this nonsense around 2019 by my estimations
Darren Aranofsky has finally managed to do the impossible: convince American movie audiences to outright reject Jennifer Lawrence’s charms.
I’m new to kinja but did we just side step the fact that this comment was left by the actual Spider-Man?
Everything I’ve read so far has said the Judeo-Christian creation myth allegory is more than a bit too heavy-handed, and if audiences went expecting a well-crafted horror instead of a not-so-subtle critique of humanity’s place in the world (as well as God’s narcissism), they were going to be disappointed.
Visionaries had awkward, 80s -style holograms of animals on their chests, and staffs with an additional hologram-thing on them.
Inhumanoids? Because that might give me legitimate nightmares.
I enjoyed the ending.
It was a bloodcurdling reassertion that the show is horror and that it always has been, both the otherworldly horror of the TV series and also the very real horror of incest as depicted harrowingly in Fire Walk With Me.
Whenever Twin Peaks isn’t on the air, the other shows should ask ‘Where is Twin Peaks?’ Or ‘Why isn’t Twin Peaks showing right now?’
They came back and meddled and destroyed everything. It all fell into darkness. Perfect. Wonderful. Do not change a thing.
“There should never be another episode of Twin Peaks.”