
If he ever gets to play Superman again, after Justice League. Not knocking his performance, which was fine, but pretty soon WB is going to give up on these movies. Which is also fine, as long as they let Patty Jenkins keep making WW movies. They can even have DC heroes pop in them same way Civil War was actually an

Cavill was never the weak link.

The issue is more people remember this:

“Superman and Zod “levelled the city”? This DID NOT OCCUR.

...and a birthday gift? :)

Yep. not hard. Good thing you missed the one of many smiles from MoS.

He also snapped somebody’s neck. There’s no saving Man of Steel.

to show Superman in his full colors

See? It’s not that hard.

That sexist costume

Personally, I just wished they’d stop. WB had one shot at getting this thing going, and they flubbed it. When I think of Marvel movies, I think of breezy fun that’s mostly inconsequential. When I think of DC, I think of my asshole college roommate blasting his tool CDs, and trying to teach me about moral relativism

Do you think the costume is “sexist” because it has bare shoulders? Because it’s really just stylized ancient Greek armor

I mean that bland, copypasted, superhero franchise is still making money. The grimdark, fascist, murderfest franchise isn’t.

How much can you expect a success for Justice League to validate their vision when a second director was brought in and told to punch up the work Snyder already had done? The movie has plenty of Snyder’s work left in it, but the finished product is a hybrid of two very different directors’ styles and not a third

Saw it yesterday.... First off this is going to turn a profit no matter what. Secondly.... this a terrible movie, where you can see the patchwork script and filmmaking that went into it. The visuals are inexcusably poor. What saves some of this mess are the performances. Definitely want to see more Wonder Woman,


You know, using a person’s suicide as a means to defend a movie as immune from criticism is low even for Snyder fanboys. I mean, what does his daughter’s death have to do with his filmography? There’s nothing wrong with feeling sympathy for him because of what happened to his daughter, but using it as an excuse to

He forgot to mention Wild West Cowboy Greg Pak, British Gentleman Greg Pak, and Surf n’ Splash Greg Pak that comes with a surfboard strapped to a vespa. Collect em’ all!

Wow, an article on Milestone that never once mentions McDuffie. Kinda orwellian there.