
I hope so!!

Well. Y’all have fun with watching the movie. It looks really good. However, I’m going to be over here not soiling my pants.

This is already an immense improvement on the TV miniseries. Damn. This movie is gonna be the next The Shining, I think--artful and scary and intense.

For me the clincher will be how they handle the Loser Club as adults. Penny wise looks good to me, the kids look like they’ll do great, but I haven’t seen much with the adults yet.

I would rather have the Wonder Twins than Cyborg.

Warner Bros. has spent the past couple of days warming up the crowd for the big trailer with a series of posters and teasers,

I will admit it looks great

This film has a poor understanding of gravity.

All evidence points to the fact that this is going to be a shitty movie.

Kind of dull.

focus testing has found that water is too “gay”

I bet you Zack Snyders loves to run around his mansion with a fetishistically tricked out Airsoft rifle and pretends to blow away imaginary bad guys, preferably executing them when they are on their knees and he has a stupid name like “Captain Fist of Justice” and tries to do the deep cool voice that’s two octaves

This looks like garbage. Was this entire movie shot with green screens?

How many “superhero landings” was that? I lost count at infinity.

Trailer was meh, we’ve seen it before, dark action scenes, quick cuts where you don’t see most of it, and the slow mo when it does happen, and the bad darkness of color or non-existant light when they are outside fighting, yep, its a zack synder movie and trailer setup for something bad.

This is the lukewarm-est of lukewarm takes, but: Man of Steel sucked. Batman v Superman was mildly better in some ways, and so very much worse in others; it somehow stands out as a uniquely awful piece of film. Suicide Squad is a masterclass in how not to make a movie; it’s one of the worst films I’ve ever seen, with

Hahaha. You got me WB. So, seriously, when does the real trailer drop?

I find this exceptionally blah. The dude-bro Aquaman is not encouraging, and the attempts at humor (“I’m rich.”) mostly manage to satirize things you don’t want your audience paying attention to. The effects look poor, the action choreography is same-old-same-old, and I genuinely can’t believe I can not want to see a

What did color do to Zach Snyder when he was a kid. This movie looks so fucking unpleasant.

Is it just me.... but was that a terrible trailer? It was just a mess and worse than that really boring. I just cannot care about any of the DCEU characters. None of them appear to have a shred of humanity in them and are just so unlikable.