
They expanded the explanation in the fourth series, and according to the wiki, it was a retconned.

The poses for Jojo are so important that they can override even iconic character designs.

But you get less Dio if you do that, and well Dio is pretty much my favorite Anime Villian period XD

It was retconned or explained further with Diamond is Unbreakable - it was revealed in the 4th series that Dio got his power from the arrow during the events of Stardust Crusaders, who was attached to the original Jojo’s body, resulting in the Jojo bloodline (retroactively) getting powers. Arrow = stand powers seems

I for one liked the overly manly men doing manly things manlily in parts 1-3. :D

But Dio :(

OMG, the guy playing Jotaro. I can’t stop laughing. No way in hell am I seeing this movie. It’s going to be Attack on Titan all over again. Plus Takashi Miike is fucking awful.

Miike crushed it in the tokyo shock dvd-wave of films in the early 2000's but really hasn’t been good for a while. he just takes any project basically, very prolific output, but it’s quantity over quality anymore.

Well, I mean, having Jotaro show up without any context is also kind of weird too since the audience is supposed to know why it’s significant that he’s there.

The hell is this travesty?! I DIDN’T SEE A SINGLE POSE IN THAT TRAILER!

Hahaha. that gif makes me feel like this...

Man I went into reading this thinking I knew exactly how it was going to go and I was wrong. The questions were good questions that got good answers. I don’t 100% support Cooks agenda but I understand and respect it. She doesn’t mind that fan service exists and doesn’t want it banned or to shun people who like it, she

I feel like I’m the minority here in not wanting the new Power Rangers movie to be a carbon copy of the 90s Power Rangers. There are years and years worth of Power Rangers episodes to watch if you want. Why should the movie be the same? I’m glad it looks dark and gritty compared to the old show. With Hollywood

Agreed. I liked it and I’m excited to see it.

I09/gizmodo is always a naysayer with everything especially if its a remake. All the other haters just suck at life and can’t accept the fact that their childhood is over or they’re a bunch of posers who got into Power Rangers in its 20th season and act like they know

Anime is an art form and as such the creators should be allowed to freely express themselves.