
Calls broker. 'Sell Fox!'.

Yes, but this is a pre-medieval society.

That won't be enough for you.

Is that what you thought my answer was?

I'd like to hear why the opening sequence, with its beautiful mechanics and whirring cogs, is supposed to represent a pre-industrial society.

That's what I said. Are ye deef?

You're making this is up as you're going along. Do you know what post hoc rationalisation is?

So what was her problem with her and show earlier? Did anyone find out? I hope it was because she had argued with the producers that the lesbian scenes weren't long or lingering enough, a point they have now conceded.

On paper, that makes sense/ But in 'reality' - what we have actually seen of the characters in play - it does not gel, in my opinion.

This episode - for me - is when the first few misfires appeared in this Rolls-Royce of a show. There were just things that didn't make sense or which weren't thematically coherent with the style and tone established by 'Veep'.

I am finding that this season is somehow missing some of the zest of the first two. The jokes are not so ingenious, the abuse is clumsier and less original, and now 'human interest' stories are coming in. Has Armando Iannuci handed over to an American show-runner or writers or something?

I think it was long before. It was when Leslie stopped being funny and started being 'adorable' halfway through Season 3.


LOL. You're still a little fascist. Seeya when the old fart dies.

At least I'm not masturbating over a clapped-out, totalitarian, banana republic dictator in a public forum.

Then I assumed wrong. No matter.

Poor Tom


So you don't think it's tired?

Ha ha. Castro is Pinochet, you pompous idiot.