
Why would you think I want to engage with you?

Why are Late Night Talk Show Hosts treated by Americans in the same way that normal countries behave towards geniuses and living saints?

Or 'Jimmy'.

That doesn't make sense. Something trivial that is 'elevated' is no longer trivial, surely?

Simpering nonce.

She didn't want any part of him anywhere any part of her.

I could not disagree more.

'A renewed sense of purpose;'?

You, not so much.

But, with the exception of Mike perhaps, none of them are actually incompetent. They are all extremely talented and driven; it is (or was) part of the humour that these gifts are frittered away on such trivial tasks.

Grand Opera, maybe?

The Storm and Black Panther marriage was the most pandering, patronising thing in Marvel's storied history of cheap idiocy.

Speaking of extremely valuable franchise assets who are killed off and never, ever come back how are Batman, Superman, Spider Man and the Human Torch doing these days? Still dead or crippled are they?

Not before he comes out, i hope. The muscle shirts, tight jeans and constant body-builder posing were too obvious.

You mean the two seasons that made the show popular in the first place and off whose goodwill it's been coasting ever since?

Opinion 1: 'The Holocaust was a good thing'
Opinion 2: 'The Holocaust was a bad thing'
Opinion 3; 'Uncle Deadly is a childish idiot who doesn't understand what an opinion is'

Well, I guess we'll just have to see how the season pans out.

That's not quite the point I was making. By raising the stakes - Selina might actually get to be president - the comedic context of the show is dissipated since the laughs came from the actual triviality and uselessness of the job Selena and her staff had to do.

Yes. Sometimes opinions are wrong. You do know they're not just 'subjective speculations', don't you?

"To give a counter-example, Parks and Rec's best season was Leslie's campaign"