
Is that the one with the sex-goats?

There are really are people who are excited for 'Guardians of the Galaxy' are there? I didn't think they existed. And they can't see that every portent of this film indicates it's going to be a catastrophic failure? A childish premise based on an unpopular IP mixing clumsy CGI with pantomime live action populated by

He's a moron and she's his random enabler.

What a bullet Arnett dodged right there.

So you're the demographic killing this show.

Perhaps there was no way of writing that Tom didn't turn up for work because he was sick of how this show had become 'Leslie Fucking Knope's Parade of Wonderfulness Starring Leslie Knope and Her Wonderful Extended Family Of Adoring Morons'.

Of course. Triplets. What a originally madcap development. It didn't fail when 'Friends' did it in 1995 or when 'My Three Sons' did it in 1963. You know what they should do next? Have Ben invite his biggest client round to dinner on the night Leslie has her personality swapped with their twin sister's.

This one. Universe B. Which one are you in?


Why isn't Hickey going to be in the show any more? Did Harmon decide that now he has shown Chevy Chase how the character should have been played that he doesn't need a cantankerous old man with family issues any more?

I'm assuming that the lowliest table-writer gets $150k for three months work a year and that the assistant-showrunner is on £375k pa. Good money for a job that is neither as sophisticated as brain surgery or as hard as lead mining.

Reviewer: 'This sketch show am too much like a sketch show that's not like the sketch show in my head!"

" I challenge you all to summarize Proust's À la recherche du temps perdu"

Incredible to think someone, someone probably well-paid, intelligent and ambitious, actually signed off on this dog of a script.

What's annoying is that the show actually got momentarily good again at the beginning of this season. Then, it seems, Harmon started drinking again and everything went to shit in the last episodes.

"While most of the charges against Clash were eventually dismissed, whether due to the statute of limitations or dropped voluntarily, the scandal surrounding them was enough that Clash was forced to resign from Sesame Street. "

Because acting!

Maybe the Peter Jackson and George Romero early zombie films?

Well, that's the point. Nothing's *that* incredible. So we can watch TV on our phone now and send little telegrams to people over our pocket radios. It's not exactly Food Replicators and Jet Packs for all.

So what's the gimmick here? A vampire baby is it? The devil's the dad or something?