
Has there ever been a gross-out show or movie that actually worked?

Fuck that. I am waiting for George to wrote a long, forty page sex scene, between Cersei and Bronn. Apparently the two actors had an affair back in the 90s and loathe each other now. Can't be in the same room together.

Dude, it's been six years. Get over it.

Cersei? Wasn't she the one who smuggled the Death Star plans to the Daleks?


Books. Music. Landscapes. Cooking. Riding, Wine. Building. Sailing. Sports. And so forth.

Brann is a Mind-Controller! PRAISE THE OLD GODS!

Isn't there one gay person in this show who can walk and talk as if they weren't thinking about juicy, juicy dongs every minute of every day?

I can't see why he hasn't been given his own show, a variety or chat show. Late Night With Hodor, Hodor Explains It All, Meet the Press wuth Hodor, Dean of News Anlaysts…

"You may be wondering why I, Hercule Poirot, have asked you to gather in this library. It is to inform you that one of you is most assuredly a murderer! …OK, no, fair enough, but I meant of this one person here. Today'.

Say what you like about him but the boy could take a slap and needle a dwarf like no other. We shall not see his like again. Farewell, Slap-Boy Joffrey, Dwarf Needler.

Why would anyone serve a pie that was going to be full of pigeon shit anyway?

He's just lucky they didn't pin the rap on him.

Where is Littlefinger geographically at this point?

Safety tip:

This episode raced over so many incidents that might have been better treated at a slower pace in order to build tension and character. George may hear that fatal knock on his front door even sooner than he feared.

And what does this teach us?

Yes, there was that. But, to me anyway, there didn't seem to be the undertones there might have been.

Was Jaime actually ever in any scenes with Joffrey? I can't remember any, and the show never really explored or demonstrated any paternal feeling he might have had for him which is unusual since the directors have been very good at establishing the specific emotional relationships between the various members of the

I never saw - or they didn't communicate - exactly *why* Jaime and Cersei were so hot for each other in the first place.