
...or you could go to Cars and Coffee and see the same cars for free.

Actual, not whiny review by somebody who likes cars here:

I quote from above: “carbon fibering the crap out of 25 675 LT Spiders”. This does not appear to mean that it “was made specifically for a customer” (quoting you). My comment is valid.

That would be Superb.

I’m sorry, but that livery does not do it for me. White and green doesn’t evoke any nostalgia in me - maybe I’m too young. And I realize the shape is classic, but the curve of the colors on the nose do not flow with this car’s lines. No matter how you doll it up, it’s a modern road-going sports car, and this drag

...I paid $2900 for my car. I’m glad you seem to have a large amount of disposable income, but to claim that “1100.00 for a watch isnt (sic) that much” is factually inaccurate.

Mullets take too long to grow.

here in the netherlands its pretty much the same.. cops are fairly chilled out (assuming your not a dick to them)

Remarkable how smug he’s being, considering that’s just a lousy 1-series hatchback. I mean, it’s barely even a BMW. Go buy a real BMW, posers.


Typical BMW owners; honks at you, aggressively follows you until you finally stop, all to tell you how much your motorbike/car sucks. 11/10 accuracy if it is a fake.

I think that movie Heisse Fuzz already did this, basically.

Especially when you’re not trying to teach them bullshit pseudoscience ... you know, like they do in TX

Maybe check gdp per capita? Trilionares and international companies make things worse for us... or just take a look at quality of life:

Welcome to the Internet.

A very fun font for a very fun story about the death of 705 men.

Possibly my favorite conspiracy theory. Like, presumably these people know that Texas is already a part of the United States? How can you “invade” yourself?

I also don’t think Finland shoves creationism down the throats of its children and downplays science.

How stupid would you have to be to invade Finland?