
...put LJK Setright’s spirit in Anna Kendrick’s body.

I think everyone needs to drop this expectation of instant gratification. No New or rebooted TV show is going to nail it on day one. This isn’t the first Top Gear reboot. The original wasn’t perfect in the beginning, the second one wasn’t perfect in the beginning and.. Hey! Look at that! This one isn’t either..

That very flag she’s holding? If not, take a chill pill. I thank your father for his bravery, but it’s not that serious. She isn’t stomping on it, burning it, or hanging it upside down, and your father fought for the very right for her to do what she did, which is freedom, in particular, speech and expression.

Unless it’s government property or someone else’s flag, it’s not illegal.

I am an American and I couldn’t be more proud that someone is willing to share their support and passion for a truly American event with the very flag that means so much to our history, culture, and freedom.

She better watch out out for Terminators, them guys come out of nowhere!

Hate to be that guy but you're going to have to get over it

Wow... are you seriously offended by that flag?! Holy F, get a life folks.

Sarah Connor(s)?

If everything was that iconic.

Bullshit - Hamilton wasn’t quick enough to close that gap to Ricciardo.

Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition.

Honestly, I’d buy a small, 12V DC air compressor, and just put it in the car. There’s usually enough room around the spare tire under the trunk floor in most passenger cars for a compressor and jumper cables.

Be careful out there; vary from the recommended pressure by even half a psi, and this could be your car crashing.

No, it was named fifth gear because it was originally broadcast in the fifth century BC

How I read your comment every time I saw it posted.

Hopefully it comes back, I always saw Fifth Gear as the mature older brother of Top Gear, they minimized the editing and sensationalism for a more humble a realistic take on cars and the shenanigans they pull with them, when I watch Fifth Gear I feel like it doesn’t melt my brain at the rate Top Gear does (although I

Well, yeah.

I'm watching that now on Amazon, love it. James May was always my favorite TG presenter.