
We should start calling him president fake hair and fake tan. That should piss him off greatly.

Uhh what? He’s going to be the fucking president, he should not “only” cares about increasing his own fortune. But maybe republiclowns are really that dumb and only elect people to spite others.

Great, now he’s turning into that pseudo-deep mode.

I was desolate when I knew for sure that Mr. Dump was actually going to win, but only for an hour or so. After that I was eager to see his presidency and all the craps he will inevitably bring forward. Then 4 years later we might return back to another Obama hopefully.

I don’t think so, are you?

Case in point. Like I said, you’ll get there eventually, just have to work harder.

I understand reading and comprehension are hard, but it’s okay, you’ll get there one day.

I don’t say so, the dictionaries say so. Why be so upset that I pointed you were being wrong?

Remaster is exactly what this release is. It’s not a prestigious label for something. Don’t make up your own definition for a word just because you feel like it, lol.

If the leading theory is true then it’s not the hook that is the issue but Sombra’s teleport hitbox.

I’m bought by Bethesda and I’m here to tell you my personal anecdote (and several of my fellas that have also commented before me) that I don’t encounter any issue at all, so your issues must be a dream or something.

Definitely in favor of splitting the vote proportionately. But the GOPhers will never approve of that. They know they will always lose every election of the system is like that because time is changing and they cant adapt.

Well, all said and done, now it’s time to see if Trump is going to be as good of a president as a lot of people who supported him are saying he’s going to be. If not then I’m just going to sip my tea and be rather indifferent seeing all of you crash and burn all the way from Sweden.

Really, thousands more? Those you mentioned are probably it. Also funny that out of all souls games only one is 60 fps and even then it’s a remaster.

I don’t know the trend, even if it is, it’s not progressing very rapidly. Devs still prioritise graphical fidelity over framerates for consoles, because it’s much easier to hype up a game to the masses with shiny graphics than smooth gameplay which you can’t appreciate as much with controllers. 

What, that most games on consoles don’t run at stable 60 fps? Name me then what are these console games that do. The ones off the top of my head are CoDs and Titanfall, probably, that’s it..

Most console games cant run games where m and k can be used comfortably, which is 60 fps. Thats why console makers prefer to let gamers play using joysticks which arent really accurate to mask the low fps. One of the reasons anyway.

He’s using OLED monitor?

This human trash suffers from “But they did it toooo!!!”-itis.

Not so nimble at scurrying out of this though.