
I don’t even dislike them just because they’re isekai. I remember liking .Hack even though I didn’t really understand much about it back when I was much younger. Other than harem wish fulfillment, I also find the OP MC wish fullfilment really eyeroll-worthy.

What do they call these pseudo MMO anime/manga? Isekai? I honestly think I would rather watch the moe-shits of the late 00's/early 10's than any of these craps. And I hated those moe-shits.

What bothers other people about this, never seems to bother me. My brain seems to process them as just different artstyles.

If it’s like Destiny where missions are instanced for you or your group only then I don’t think it being an online game bothers me. If it’s like those cheapo looking survival games where assholes can kill you whenever they want then count me out.

Errr you can definitely mod always online games. ESO has tons of them and they definitely give you advantage over someone who doesn’t mod their games. Though they are very easy to install so there’s no reason not to install them other than not knowing they exist.

Go live in the woods grandpa.

Hear, hear. What’s even more tragic is that a lot of these games have solidly fun game mechanics but they’re all stuck in this roguelite frame. I hate how everything have to be a time-sink these days.

Yup there’s tons of busy works in that game that discourages me from replaying it, but overall I liked the combat. It’s not DA:O, it’s not even DA2 but some of the classes were really fun to play.

It’s been quite some time since I last played that game but I remember the Reaver being one of the most broken classes in the game. You hit hard on low HP and and you can vampire your health back from enemies. Do it in a loop then you’re pretty much unkillable.

I mean you could do that in many places, reddit for one, nobody’s gonna rip your head off there for being as sleazy as you want to be.

Because the game tries to match you with people nearest to you for better ping, duh. It’s far from popular complaint, at least on the subreddit for the game which I do visit everyday. I mean if you want to play with premade group that’s of course your choice and you’re very much free to do so, but misrepresenting and

You must be living in a pretty cancerous place if you feel like there’s no point in playing with randoms. I’ve been playing the game for almost 200 hours with randoms and the amount of cancerous people are probably in the low 5%. I find that on the harder difficulties, the difficulty of the game itself naturally weed

Weakest doesn’t mean it’s weak to the point it’s unplayable, why would people not play the game they’ve already bought? Also plenty of people suffer through okay-ish and mediocre gameplay just for the narrative alone. Otherwise telltale games wouldn’t have sold even a single copy.

I’m sure some of them are truly garbage even out of their online persona, but some are forced to be garbage-y because for some reason that’s the kind of audience that gives them the most money.

I mean the gameplay of Nier Automata is like the weakest part of the game. Without the strong narrative the game would’ve been a mediocre game that no one would’ve been talking about one month after its release.

I have a feeling this sad sack of meat was secretely part of /r/incels before that sub got banned, and probably prowling around/r/mgtow right now. He just oozes that to me. He has the fuck you money now with that billion of dollars deal but his personality is too shit he probably can’t attract anyone other than

Shoot, I meant to reply to the parent comment, not yours, I even starred your comment. Sorry for the misunderstanding, hah.

Did you actually read what he wrote or did you skip ahead to the comment section to complain about him not liking the first game? Because the negative things he touched on his review would be seen as negatives by almost all other players/reviewers unless they’re already fanboy to the series.

I played the Souls games offline, except Bloodborne which I haven’t played, like perhaps 80% of the time and I still enjoyed my time immensely. I can only hope that people in the future will not write off these games just because they’re lacking their online portion, as it is a great disservice to the great world

I can’t tell whether he’s seriously upset or just playing it up. If he’s being serious then it’s pretty sad. Sad because how can someone put so much self-worth into their twitter account.