
Those are just some white people trying to sound self important. It’s funny because when white people are drawn in Anime they are drawn stereotypically anyway, big nose, bright blue eyes and blond hair.

No more easy mode indeed. It just baffles me so much that a large part of the BF community (reddit mainly) cried and whined incessantly about the 3d spotting mechanic. Calling it wall-hack (which I agree btw) but they staunchly defend 3rd person view when driving vehicles.

That will just give advantage to people with high DPI mouse. I’d rather if they force everyone to stay in first person when riding vehicles. If the driver is on 3rd person and they’re even just half decent at riding them, you just can’t sneak up on them.

Love this place. If you’re visiting Southeast Asia, definitely mark this place as one of your destinations.

It’s barely discussed anywhere because every time it’s brought up, you’d have plenty of people shutting the conversation down, claiming that piracy is a net benefit to society. Of course knowing the internet, it’s just pirates trying to justify their activities. Kotaku commenters seem to be pretty reasonable about

In most RPGs that are more action-y, constitution has got to be the last thing I upgrade, aside from non-pertinent stats for my build anyway. Pumping so much points into constitutions just means you get hit a lot, which you shouldn’t.

They look like they’re going to a cosplay convention.

True, and Nathan did link it. Very helpful.

Are all conservatives really this idiotic?

Yep, totally surprised. I was wondering why the guy had the same expression on his face all the time.

Just because you chose to watch those 3 movies like that doesn’t mean they were actually like how you described them.

Yup. It’s just really boring to play. Not just because of repetitiveness, because we know the ARPG genre is inherently repetitive, but because the classess and skills are so stale. If you want your character to be viable, you have to build your character around 1 or 2 skills, and most of the skills are about

At least we found out there are at least 115 people (as of now) who don’t bother reading articles and just post their knee-jerk reactions.

His lips/mouth makes him look like he’s eating a really sour plum

Shrek I can sort of agree, but Monsters Inc. was so bland, no way it would have won against Spirited Away.

Zeno Clash (the 1st one) wasn’t reviewed that badly (averaging 75 to 80), so I don’t think it’s really an apt comparison. Plus, the combat system in Zeno Clash was actually fun and had “punchy” feedback, so much so that the game didn’t feel cheaply made.


Why would Muslims be offended by someone eating pork? It’s not like they don’t eat pork because they think pigs are sacred like how cows are to Hindus.

Like that has ever stopped a game company before.

It’s the usual purists trying to make it seem like they own the franchise or something. I’m all for this 1st person perspective. From immersiveness and “spookiness” standpoints, literally nothing is gained from a 3rd person perspective compared to 1st person.