
This is the epitome of a film that doesn’t need a sequel. Not that that’s ever stopped anyone before, but it’s still kind of disappointing to see this happening.

Now, does this clash with the lore of the first film, which established that everybody, including adults, had some mix of the original 5 emotions, sometimes in different arrangements or alignments? Yes, absolutely, and our senators will be hearing about this issue immediately.

I guess the thing for me is, why SHOULD Apple incorporate RCS (yet) when it doesn’t do anything that iMessage doesn’t, and all the carriers are not standardized/interoperable yet. 2+ years ago, Verizon, AT&T and T-Mobile stopped trying to make RCS interoperable with each other. Basically RCS interoperability at this

Apple’s iconic blue text bubbles over iMessage are a key factor in retaining customer loyalty.”

Do I wish I would iMessage an Android? Yes. (Especially sending my mom videos).

Do I think Apple should have to make iMessage compatible with Android? No. 

Next will Facebook messenger be forced to open to wechat or Xitter allow snapchat messages?  Xbox and PS messages?  It's a silly discussion.

WTF? The green vs blue has a meaning. Blue means it went through iMessage and is fully encrypted end to end. Green means it’s an SMS message and, as such, NOT end to end encrypted. I’ve gotten green bubbles from people on iPhones when data connectivity isn’t good. It’s not necessarily about calling out ‘iPhone’ vs

They are fucked and this trailer shows it. Frontloading it with clips of other better movies to build hype by association. And it doesn’t even work at building any hype - that first chunk with the Avengers nostalgia gives way to a quick sketch of the threat, setting the stakes, the music gains intensity and builds to

It would have been worse if Jim had cheated on Pam with the temp girl from Season 8, which supposedly was the plan until Krasinski refused to do it, for the same reason as Perry. Just completely out of character.

I almost quit watching The Office when Jim started shitting on Pam.

I mean SPAM!!!

PlayStation Is Losing The Reason Its Share Button Exists”

Pretty much all the AV Club’s articles have an editorial slant. They’re an entertainment blog, not a news organisation. It’s appropriate for them to express an opinion on the industry.

No, I can’t wipe my ass with The AV Club.

Yeah, none of this sounds that unusual. Don’t want to do petty tasks, don’t work as an assistant for someone with a big ego. The only one I have an issue with is the back scratching. That is just ewww. The rest? That is just the job. Take a different one.

I don’t get it. Nobody is “alone” with their co-star on a movie set. There would be a minimum of what, 20 people around. So what could her refusal to be alone with him possibly mean?

A lot of this stuff sounds like stuff I assumed assistants to celebrities and executives always do? Maybe I’m not clear where the line is drawn on assistant work but very little of her description of her job sounds out-of-bounds to what I expected.

You think The AV Club is a newspaper?

Disgruntled ex-employee slanders celebrity in frivolous lawsuit.  Got it. 

You’d never believe he hadn’t acted in twenty years. He’s a natural. Maybe he’s just learned how to not over-labor his performance?