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    It’s a Slick Charles reference.

    Also missing Hi-Fi Rush.

    The joke isn’t that they’re not allowed to mention it. It’s that they’re no longer allowed to do it on screen.

    There are dozens of us. Dozens!

    Hot take I guess: season 4 was one of the worst TV shows ever conceived, and Nic has every right to be vocal in his disappointment for being associated with such garbage writing.

    AV Club is morphing into a vapid celebrity gossip column and it’s depressing.

    My library of 50+ Nintendo Switch games would disagree with everything you just said.

    How are these digital shill bots getting out of the grays?

    Completely agree and am shocked by all the digital shills in these comments. People love to vote against their best interests. Have to assume a healthy amount of bot propaganda as well, what with people claiming physical media is not ownership. 🤦🏻‍♂️

    So bizarre how many people turn up in the comments to shill for digital purchases.

    Foster’s performance was distractingly flat. Someone else mentioned she might be rusty but I don’t know, it’s almost like she’s just disinterested or couldn’t find a way to bring the character to life. What a dud.

    I thought the exact same thing about his hair, and in turn started looking at his clothes to see if they draped down at all. It’s a testament to how well they pulled it off that we’re even discussing this, especially in 2024 when practically everything has been done already. Genuinely impressive.

    Safdie says there are ideas for season 2 and that there’s a lot more to explore in that world, but that it’s too early to confirm anything.

    That’d make sense if there weren’t two people touching each other several different times while each person experienced opposing gravitational pulls. I’m pretty sure the wire pulls are visible on Fielder at various moments, too. Impressive however it was done.

    Rewatching the series and in the first episode when Asher gets help with the ATM, the guy who helped is wearing a shirt that says “TURN UP” with an arrow pointing upwards.

    When Dougie broke down it felt like confirmation that his curse worked and had something to do with stealing Asher’s gravity.

    How did they do this? Was it all wire work? It felt like watching a magic trick.

    If he’s telling the truth, shouldn’t a celebrity opening up about their traumatic experience be worthy of investigation?”

    Can we stop pretending that elevators behave like safety chambers from people standing just outside the door? Every elevator known to man would simply open its doors with a push of the external button, unless the elevator is already moving to the next floor. Tired cliche that needs to die.

    The AI bot doesn’t even talk? What a joke.