
On the one hand, I only liked the first two Alien movies. And I can’t see how this show will even try to make this fit the canon.

Yeah, I wouldn’t call that a kidnapping. It’s probably worse, but once the slaughter has been done I don’t think you can argue the right move was to leave the little girl there.

This is the second time I’ve seen someone in these comments claim the Jedi kidnapped kids. That's just not true.

No the lightsaber battles in the Acolyte were not particularly good.

I think Disney+ has produced enough seasons of Star Wars TV to show that Andor and the first season or so of The Mandalorian are exceptions, not the norm. If Disney+/Lucasfilm focused on good storytelling, I don’t think this article would exist. Instead, we got The Book of Boba Fett and Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Going through this with a re-watch of Lost (my fiancée hadn’t seen it), and holy SHIT the bloat. Each season could lose at least six hours and be fine. 

The success of The Mandalorian and Andor would be arguments against the thesis of this article. It isn’t about the franchise belonging in one story format or the other, it’s about that story itself. 

Don’t you mean “pedantry” or “pedanticism”? [holds out hand for jerk crown]

After seeing this photo of Rudolph, it’s nice to know that she (like me) doesn’t know what to do with the gift bags you get from Amazon.

Hoisted on my on pedantism...

Actually, biannual is twice a year. Which is also semi-annual. You’re thinking of biennial.

That “Her” joke was first-rate.

Just imagine if the genders were reversed here and how it would look if people were this skeptical of a woman complaining about being assaulted physically and verbally.

Maybe this is a generational divide, but I assumed “written it down immediately” meant the Notes app on his phone. Because no, people don’t usually bring a pen and paper into a Portapotty these days.

I think it’s less “they shouldn’t allow him to say those (woke) things!” and more “Netflix/Spotify shouldn’t be paying a man money who’s platforming Alex Jones and has been broadcasting demonstrably false and harmful antivax info for years”.

Today I Learned: Joe Rogan is apparently a comedian

“Don’t get mad at me, you know why you came here,”

He was just in a movie about that.

Two words: tolerance paradox.

How could her views on trans folks be abhorrent if a video game based on her books sold well?”