
when i first saw the thumbnail i said "hey, look, one of those mini ferraris for child, it must fit 2 on the parking space!"

@Bumblebee: yeah! and i sorta think Charlize is better, you know...

@Pessimippopotamus: i can't care less for hamilton either. But it was a great story on Senna, i loved it (you know, i'm also a Brazillian and saw him die live on tv when i was young, since then never watched a f1 race again)

@Microshock: i don't know, but i actually feel that downloading a 12gb game from steam is way better than going out to buy it. i just go to college and leave the pc on, 6 hrs do it, and some people has way more speed than i do on their internet. I download 720p movies and think it's just a notch... Some people can

@Rontourage: he put a premium and a "clean" design on it trying to get appeal of the A+ market. nothing wrong, this already happens in cars, in tv's... on some cellphones...

@Arggh! there goes a...snake a snake!: i think the pulse only happens coz' you know, Heart is a muscle, and you need all those contractions. the pump well.. think works more like a jet-ski engine, on batteries, (and maybe in that case, puppies)

@Van Sarockin, rogue trebuchet: i think the FIAT with a new decent engine and some (lot) of work would be a great daily driver. Quite classy also.

someone's gotta video

@Sahidnohoh: really is the same for everyone? i'm pretty sure i read someone saying that they couldn't play with their friends in europe in this sc II beta (i kinda believe, wow sorta works that way right? and it's a new b.net who said it would be like the old one?)

@Nethlem: i don't know, it's very messy, and still unclear, specially now that there "may" be a BR Bnet server, and i don't know if i can get an US copy and still play with my friends here.

@Nethlem: no you didn't miss much, that's the pricing plan they are considering here in Brazil. you pay 49 R$ ( about 25 dollars) to get the cd and a 6 months playtime then you can either pay another fee and extend that, or pay more and have the "lifetime version" not sure about the prices there . (can't find on

@LeafRunner: yeah, the biggest deal breaker to me is that i don't know about how things will work with sc2 getting a server here in brazil.

I have a big problem now with blizzard.

@YummyCyanide: i totally agree with you. maybe everyone is so "applelized" that anything wrong they just go creazy and skies will fall and everything.

@Time Pilot AKA: i quite glad also. Apple is like RIAA on those patent things. Although Google getting them would sorta shield Android in some aspects, i think.

no wii controller mention/adapting device? i'm not surprised.

@Alfisted: i guess it now spells GT3 DS

@Hart88: i like it also, but i guess they took "the roof is on fire" too literaly