
The EB110 is a favorite since i got a miniature in 1993.

@techynottreky: i also think it's very hard that they won't accomplish this. it will only need more time after 08...

So the Burj Khalifa won't be the tallest? Really? do we need that?

@deciBels: well, there are a lot of "economic events" going on this story, although after 2008 dubai world said it couldn't pay it's debts on time... You know it's not just as simple as that, the same way the bankrupcy of so many US Banks should have a higher impact on US economy if it was as simple as "banks lost

@The Artgineer: that's ok, just remember to hold it the right way, or it will fail on you

@Daver73: i guess all iphone owners really deserve their personal ponies. you know "we are all magical and stuff, but you know sometimes, our job is just sorta perfect not TOTALLY perfect so as a gift we will handle out ponies"

@shockaslim: computers? you mean the personal ones? I allways thought they used deloreans to bring gizmos from the future and sell them to you.

@DustyButt: i actually do have faith in Natalie's performance, you know, just her standing there being crazy girl sometimes and sexy.

@tande04: that reply right there sir, is just right.

@NewSc2: i actually find it to be quite wired, but i'm not sure this is exclusive to americans. I don't know if it's bad either, is just that i love meeting really different people.

@Elon James White: i don't think it's racist either, although i think it's very strange to call some kind of people "THEM".

I realize the cultural differences from a white guy and some (note that some) black people. FYI i'm a brazillian but lived 1 yr in N.C. at Columbus county. I, maybe 'coz i'm brazillian, don't see many cultural dif. betw. me and some black guy (firstly i'm not fully fledged american caucasian, people would call me