
If you are saying that by constantly releasing new generations with more powerful hardware makes game development less accessible to smaller groups of game designers and that's bad (because we will keep getting CoD : Forever's Now Guns, and other stuff) you are just kinda right. We need better hardware if we intend to

Yeah! just go to Light sabers/plasma sabers/beam sabers or whatever.

I'm with you guys there, i still play d2 single player for kicks (use a plugin for shared stash, yeah i'm cheating a bit) and wont buy d3 at all.

Every hardcore Diablo 2 player remember how much it has changed regarding items and specs through it's life. But there were always people buying items with cash so...

Why? Microsoft was always a great OS maker, differently from apple they have to deal with huge hardware handling differences. with Windows RT they have a shot at doing an Os and Dev kit for a specific hardware, which i think xbox 360 made it's point that when Microsoft is on hold of all processes they can come out

The Verge is saying that it has a Tegra 3 like the incoming Asus 600. Which is enough competition to any tablet. with 1g of ram that thing surely would be blazingly fast (if the windows rt is well built)

Windows 7 has onscreen keyboard and handwritting recognition, win 8 has it too.

really? Freaking windows 7 has built in hand writting recognition and onscreen keyboard for Pen Tablet users. Just plug in a Wacom and it apears.

shouldn't you be able to rule out those fixed effects(as usage) on individuals with a Panel Data? i'm just saying that there are tons of econometric instruments out there (let alone linear programming modeling) to sort stuff.

World is not ready for it, you made quite a stretch there ken, don't push things too much, not too fast 'coz Blizzard takes it slow

I think that's Flawed, i allways loved gym because i could really test myself in all areas, and also i can focus and push harder were i want. I know though that weightlifting isn't all but i used to complement it with boxing and i had great times! i also took tae kwon do classes, all of which were indoors ! you don't

In diablo 2 it was considered a "Faulty dice roll" imagine that everytime you kill, on your loot drop the dice rolls for a legendary item, rare or magical (i'm simplifiying it on d2), if you get the lowest number on the dice, you end up with a worthless item, but it is a indicative that soon you can get the item in a

Have you ever played D2 ? you can't save in the middle of the thing in D2, you return to town.

And then, someday, the magnets will get weaker to the point you just slam into the floor during the night.

metro is easier to use if you like shortcuts. Do you like to press win and start typing? i think metro does it better, way better. loving it on my netbook.

LOL, i was hacked with my sp games on d2, but only by myself, when i've choosen to. so it was kinda ok...

you are right. item generation/randomization and lots of other stuff happens at the server-side. i think you can just see the ground/constructions and your char, everything else, i think, is generated from the server.

i've seen it, i will never buy D3, didn't like it (i'll stick to d2)

i had this trying to kill the skelleton king, died 3 times for it. i'm a SP fan and won't buy D3 (it's just ONE of the reasons)

Yeah, items and some other things are server generated, even in SP. I had trouble in the beta on SP because of it.