i started playing d2 only on [b.net] . then i learned how to play it properly and have more fun playing alone with /players 8 . until today.
just like all the other CODs?
Need to be release in two pts. or the pt2 will be a DLC?
you can choose. like on win 8 preview right now, WIN+D drops you to desktop mode, just like win 7. very easy.
That would be actually fun, if they crashed on top of Hoplon HQ. But they are going to crash themselves, don't need no help.
that's dumb, i bought bf3 1 month ago, and fought hard to get the unlocks on heli and jets. it was tuff, but i did it and there was lots of fun trying it. But now the way it is is just impossible, dam flares reload so fast that's quite gay.
I would pay that much for shooting DICE after all those terrible patching.
are you are that EVE is strictly point & click ? that's how everything works there.
I can barely see that change. Although i'm not pro at OSX or iOS, iOS still is heavily darwin Based, they are just putting a fork on it and building two interfaces and a few different accessory sets, which is needed because we have totally different hardware now. You guys are just being sensationalists. Mac desktops…
Really? yall worried that some guy did this? i think he is quite right, as long as he doesn't kill anyone or go illegal, he can bitch as much as he wants, he's paying freaking 60 bucks and deserves the right to complain NOW, not just after with his wallet or anything. You can actually complain you know? and i can…
dubba jonny - a brief introduction to dubstep :
i still enjoy Diablo 2.
Maybe this has to do with SCII being actually so different than what SC die hard fans wanted to?
Diablo 3 btw, won't release the PVP, put promised to release it as a patch afterwards, because you know, it's part of the game!
i get on skype with my friends. (they are too lazy to buy a bluetooth mic) it works quite well...
Everyone using and abusing automatic shotguns are like spawncamping noobs. Really, i think that is just the bad thing about bf3, i like the game as a whole, have lots of fun.
you are doing it wrong, let me tell you how i feel:
The trucks are fairly strange. Ok, they look like originals, but stupid-yer. also non polymer wheels feels quite different . And probably it's just me (i ride on a longboard) but it doesn't feel very nice that you can only throttle putting your weight in the front. It would be nicer if you could do a "pump motion" and…
Sure they never lived alone with a small budget. I went through a couple of months eating the same things. True Story.