
So let me get this straight...

Motherfucker literally told people to respect those who don’t think Trump is a white supremacist. Fuck that noise.

You are “free” because you sold your soul to white supremacy, not because of any virtue of America. Your “freedom” comes at the expense of people like us, regardless of whether or not you were born here. Black and Native peoples were here long before Irish and Italians, and yet they were accepted into whiteness

So it doesn’t matter how professional you, how educated you may be, if you’re conservative (the “stick to sports” crowd) you still misunderstood the first amendment? (which is ironic)

“Free” as in equal rights and treatment by the government and society. I understand that your idiocy would cause you to interpret that literally, so perhaps I’ll just let you off with a warning to not come for me. I have little desire to show mercy to a racist invading a space for my people and telling me to leave the

I’m from STL. I truly despise this city, the segregation is truly real. I hope everyone shuts the city down.

It’s fair to say at this point that the purpose of the Justice system is to oppress and murder minorities. Its other functions, and whatever good they incidentally accomplish, serve only to legitimize it in the eyes of whites, so that it can continue to fulfill its primary goal of oppression.

I’d just like my sisters and brothers to be safe while they shut down St. Racist and hopefully the good internet will forever haunt that “judge” and that murderer now and forever, Amen.

Those comparisons to the 98 Yankees were absurd. The deepest team and the best bullpen in history. Nobody in modern baseball is touching that team.

I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: police union spokesmen are the worst people in America.

I think it should have a kill switch that requires the officer to hold his penis for the entire time. If you are willing to look ridiculous, then you can turn the camera off. I’m sure the women’s version could work similarly.

Seriously: “McMahill said that officer didn’t have his body camera turned on, and he did not know why” is the biggest line of bullshit I’ve heard since the last time I heard Trump say anything at all. That’s a complete fucking lie and every single person knows it. 

I’m cool with any cop with their body camera turned off for no reason being guilty until proven innocent. If they can turn them off and have zero repercussions when doing so then what’s the point of them?

You certainly ARE calling him a liar.Or at least you’re telling us not to believe him...Which may be semantically different. But still puts you on the side of “Cops are infallible until my unmeetable standards are met”.

Everyone who didn’t try to intervene should be fired too. Why did they let this happen? Like that security guy talking on his phone - what about doing your job? You’re witnessing a nurse on the hospital you work for getting assaulted!

They should get fired, but they won’t.

Once Payne and his superior who pushed him are fired and unable to find another job, then I’ll believe in that “goodness of society”.

Selfish simpleton...

Back before unions became a corporate boogeyman some companies found it easier to negotiate with one entity instead of employee by employee but that was before the maximization of executive salaries became the overriding goal of corporations.

What big company WANTS a unionized labor force? From their side, all unions do is impact the bottom line. Of course Elon is going to fight tooth and nail because he is a greedy technocrat. I’m in a union, so I see it from both sides, but damn I’m glad I’m in one.