Well, I have a message for everyone involved in this. I’m sorry we’re in this situation. And, um ... I’m just sorry we’re in this situation.
Well, I have a message for everyone involved in this. I’m sorry we’re in this situation. And, um ... I’m just sorry we’re in this situation.
Guillan-Barre comes in two varieties. Acute (almost always (*almost*)), and he’ll be fine in a few weeks or so. Chronic is really rare and he’ll never play football again.
Meanwhile, Jerry Jones remains infuriatingly healthy.
Remember that sick play when he jumped in the car and avoided being arrested at the murder scene?!?!?!?! Crazy bro.
MJ might be the greatest of all time, but Jesus CHRIST he is such a pussy.
Yeah, but you put him in black and orange and see how fast that same crowd believes in second chances
Look at that form! Reader Kyle sends in this excellent video of his new kitten getting jacked up, and it’s the best…
Colin Kaepernick is not on an NFL roster.
Someone get Dr. Pimple Popper on the blower. He might want to get that thing checked out.
Could the Raptors flip him?
In 2015, according to police reports, a woman went to police in New Jersey saying that LeSean McCoy had hired her to…
Gotta give him credit though, he destroyed his legacy in under 30 minutes.
And according to the contract, if Papa John leaves Papa John’s, he can rename the building
Loose-loose is how I would describe bowl movements created from Papa John’s pizza.
Apropos of nothing, the popularization and mainstreaming of the “lots of people are saying” rhetorical tic is just one of the myriad sins Trump has visited on this country.
Not sorry, especially since I got you so riled up.
“We don’t know what happened before the video starts,though.”
I believe Frances still has the belt.