Lenny Valentin

Very weird thing for Kotaku?

Second pic from the top: Utini!

The blobby “doctor” exoskeleton thing whatever it is reminds me of Frank Miller’s Ronin, from long ago now and its weird organic-looking technology.

You really don’t want a copyright lawyer to be responsible for corporate IT/networking security - or, lol, an IT security tech handling copyright enforcement either for that matter! ;)

Almost without fail you see someone presenting this particular strawman BS argument in these types of discussions. You’re trying to make an apple out of an orange here, but Nintendo is not an individual, and this data is not personal information about any individual. It’s simply company records of obsolete products no

In a capitalist world, you’re probably right. I like it when the compensation is at least reasonably justifiable by the actual work performed though - and hanging around having some pictures taken of himself isn’t very strenuous.

LiA takes the final step over into Furry territory!

My answer (although I’m not married): “I’m just gonna keep it. Why? Because I like having it.”

I have no idea what the Repuggers knew in 2012 about this alleged incident, I’m just speaking in general. I don’t believe Biden was all that instrumental to Obama’s re-election, those who would have voted for him with Biden as veep would have voted for him with someone else as veep too is what I’m thinking, and I

You don’t have to be a libertarian (whom are without exception all awful people btw) to champion the idea that employees should not pay other employees’ salaries; the company they all work for should do that, or failing that for some reason, the state itself.

Cops could have arrested a lot of these people if they really wanted to, disorderly conduct, brandishing, and so on. There’s a lot of fuzzy laws out there that can be applied creatively - again, if one actually wants to... :P

Some football players did not stand when a particular piece of music was played on speakers - were called all sorts of names, none of them nice.

Why have a vehicle specifically only for lunar orbit-lunar surface shuttling? That would mean transferring all crew and cargo between different vehicles. That also means vehicle maintenance in space. In a vacuum. Not exactly a picnic! We barely managed to replace a few parts on the Hubble telescope in zero-g, tearing

You have a non-conformant idea of what constitutes a communist.

She obviously could, but why would she, honestly? It’s not her job paying the wages of people working alongside her, that’s the employer’s responsibility. Ellen is also an employee, although a better paid one of course.

Actually, money IS limitless, since we invented it. :P It’s not a natural resource, it’s a paper construct. That’s all.

Assuming the Repuggers knew any of this in the past (if there was anything for anyone to know), what would sinking Biden have accomplished in 2012? Not much!

It’s unfortunate that Sloppy Joe has such a long history of wandering hands/fondling women, no matter the truth to these particular accusations, his well documented and unabashed grabbyness is going to make a lot of people think there’s more to this story than he claims.

Not that I’m much of a fan of Very Rich People Being Given Very Expensive Things Essentially For Free stories, but if he’s basically working for Aston Martin by promoting their shit, he deserves be paid by Aston Martin too.

Gen X here too (48 y/o now *sigh*), and I can’t stand The Goonies. I would like to - I have a lot of fondness for 1980s pop culture, but I can’t abide all those screamy kids screaming their annoying heads off ALL THE TIME. I just wanna wring their fucking little necks, all of them. Brolin too, which would have