Lenny Valentin


Well, if it had been Captain Trips, then, yeah. But this virus? No. Not potent enough. We’ll be back at our bad, wicked ways soon enough.

Comes from “Dude and Duder”; the well-known 1990s Jim Carrey comedy movie.

Coal barons would have a lot to gain. This is what this is all about, more money to the 1%, and nothing else. The claim that energy would get cheaper is just a convenient lie to sell babies with birth defects as a positive thing to the willfully ignorant and shortsighted Merican public.


I died merely from watching the clip. This is my ghost typing right now.

There won’t be any hearing though. Or if there is, it’ll be as impotent and ineffectual as the Dumpy impeachment circus was.

It will take a miracle for him to lose, though. Despite having dragged his legs for months on a pandemic response while spreading disinformation and calling C19 a hoax to sink him in the polls only days before finally starting to take it seriously, giving the virus ample time and opportunity to spread hither and yon

Jeff Bezos, is that you?

New controller looks fine/cool to me.

I loved the controller crab rendition. Could it also maybe rear up on its hind legs and wave its claws menacingly at players trying to snatch it back up into their grasp? That’d be wicked! ;)

Nobody could imagine a solution to that. If only someone had thought to invent something like...a valve. But that’d be impossible.

The Streisand Effect simply refers to in the action of trying to suppress something (about yourself or self-adjacent, typically), you end up projecting more attention onto that something than what would have been the case had you done nothing. Which this controversy definitely qualifies as.

Logic isn’t a requirement amongst the empathically challenged.

I love it when predator capitalists eat their own. It’s how it always should be.

These experiences these people share help to personalize this disease in a way dry news or science reporting cannot. We humans are social animals, we relate poorly to one another if we can’t see each others’ faces (which is why road rage is a thing, and also why people are so horrible in voice chat while online

lol... How magnificiently random!

A harddrive is more than 10x slower than the xbox’s internal SSD in a super unrealistic, absolute best-case scenario, and far slower still in many real-world situations. It’s a huge difference, games would not be able to take proper advantage of the system’s SSD if it has to also accommodate loading directly off of HDD

Tesla is actually constantly improving their cars. Parts and designs are changed on a continuous basis, without waiting for a new model year. Not dozens, but likely hundreds of iterative changes have been made to their vehicles by now. Some fairly major too.

Move to Europe.