Lenny Valentin

If you can use the right stick on an Xbox pad, then you can use the left stick on a PS pad. ;)

I like that the top surface of the controller is flatter-looking and not as busy as the PS4 controller, but the speaker grille still looks terrible, like on a cheap toy. Also not terribly impressed with the touchpad, I never heard of it beuing well used well in a game. I understand why it returned, for backwards

Looks like USB-C to me.

Is it okay to type “Snu-Snu” into Overwatch chat then, or is that also a $1000 offense? Gods...! And yes, babies are delivered by storks, because suggesting anything else costs a thousand dollars!

Golfing should be an offense regardless of if there’s a pandemic on or not.

The Horus Heresy series - and while many of the books are great, and well written - is just typical of Games Workshop’s ruthless milking their franchises of money. I remember a guy I know who occasionally plays fantasy WH telling of some unit they introduced once which was most effective when six of them were ganged up

Cooking is what you have servants for, these people would say.

Goddamn people with their goddamn smartphones! RUUUUNNN! Don’t stand there filming the monster battle like a fool, do you WANT to get eaten, huh?!

Wow. That’s quite...inhuman! Putting people above money! ;)

Pretty wicked! :D

Oh please.

That’s what THEY say. Frankly, U.S. military’s credibility is fucking low, and particularly any time they’ve been embarrassed in some way. The go-to strat is ALWAYS shitting on the whistleblower rather than admitting any fault or failure of their own.

Presiderp Biggest Brain is always right!

Because the reality of our existence doesn’t make sense.

Wish I could have seen a Tomcat in the flesh. Alas, none were ever flying over on my shores! :P

Porsche has some vehicles on offer with 4W steering, including the new Taycan. It’s an option though I believe, and probably costs at least (because it’s Porsche) *Dr. Evil pinky* a million dollars.

Hm, well, yes I suppose I have too. Or more specifically, I tend to lose it over and over. Something happens which beats me down, then it fades from my consciousness/I forget about it, then some other shit comes along like this Typhoid Mary woman who wouldn’t stop coughing straight out, and then I get beat down again.

This is horrific, nobody should ever have to die on the job (or because of it.) As a bus driver you’re on one hand vital in keeping modern society running so that people can get to work, or go grocery shopping, to get to their doctor appointments or to the pharmacy and any number of other things, but in a pandemic you’

Honestly, I never realized he did this, in all the viewings I’ve had of that movie. lol!

Honestly, I had a blast watching back in december last year. Could different choices have been made, sure. But I’d rather enjoy what I get than bitching ceaselessly on the internet over what never was. (I did that already over the prequels. Fifteen friggin years ago.)