
That was one of the main themes of the book, though - most people aren't prepared, or heroic, or even paying enough attention to know when to bail. The characters in the book who are fighters come to horrible ends.

Catholics are less likely to go for all that weird-ass Old Testament stuff. In the still-normal countries, they'd probably just let them all live in a spa and basically be paid surrogates.

This episode really highlighted for me how tonally weird it is that the show is ignoring the racial elements of the book. I've read all the show-runner interviews and am familiar with their reasoning, but the notion that there's a subset of the population in this country that would be joyously unleashed for

The 40th anniversary was just on Monday. **mindblown**

Charlie is basically going to be the little kid in Looper, but before JGL alters the timeline.

No mention of the spiked tea that turned him into a remorseless killing machine? I suppose he was already primed from his whole labor camp trauma to be susceptible to it, but it still seemed a pretty quick transformation for a very recently clueless wet blanket.

Wasn't the character based on Phyllis Schlafly? She was already pretty old when the book came out, but Serena Joy is pretending to be trying to get pregnant so … younger than 60, at least?

I have been waiting for this moment for so many years…

Flipping to the last 20 minutes of The Strain only deepened my sense of ennui.

I was very confused about why his father was a Catholic priest.

They can be emeritus professors of American English Vernacular and Introduction to Capitalist Sexual Mores at the Directorate S academy.

At least they hadn't started the forcible spinal taps on him yet.

I don't know how much Paige is really attracted to Matthew versus tentatively trying to work him, now that we see her being slowly pulled into the badassery of Elizabeth's work - asking for fighting lessons, etc. That certainly seemed to be how Philip was reading the makeout session when he flipped out on her on the

At least he was too wound up about that to think very deeply about any couples he might know with two beautiful kids, living the American dream.

Irina must not have been suspected of anything too treasonous if the authorities failed to toss her parents' house and find her cash-and-passports stash.

Irina must not have been suspected of anything too treasonous if the authorities failed to toss her parents' house and find her cash-and-passports stash.

The big armload of drycleaning may have been Elizabeth's best belly-cover of the season.

The big armload of drycleaning may have been Elizabeth's best belly-cover of the season.

Her resigned sigh when she got out the lube was the worst part. It was just a truly, truly shite day at the office for her.

Not being a particularly sentient being when that movie aired, was it as bitchin as Red Dawn?