
heh, ITT: Americans trying to justify being the only ones that destroyed HITCHbot.

Can see why Americans are the most hated people on the planet. What an arrogant shithead.


So, now its more of a fact that if it doesn’t have a heart beat, or a packing label its free reign to treat it like trash? Would you take a camera that was lost and you found and take out back and smash it? Its certainly not a matter of feeling, but respect. lost phone, stolen purse, dropped camera. These are all

Something fun got destroyed by a loser American douchebag with a small penis and too much testosterone . Go USA! Once again, living up to our reputation.

Just needed an american flag and a gun and it would have fit right in with the rest of the human garbage.

The author is clearly a douchebag and was probably the one who took out his frustrations at being such a hack on a simply little device trying to spread some goodwill through interaction.

First of all. It was a social experiment to divulge the reactions of humans to a robotic entity if it were to travel through different populations. Turns out Americans are ass holes.

The answer: a shabby standard. A Canadian one.

Yes it was a pile of trash not worth America’s attention, destroy destroy! ... the point of the robot was to conduct a social experiment, American’ s failed hard. Explain it off how ever you want to dismiss your short givings.

I just have to know; Did you actually get paid to write this?

“Look people are doing something that they enjoy but i do not. Therefore it is valid.”

This author likely also enjoys kicking sand castles and burning Native American corn husk dolls and any other type of enjoyable thing that people make out of materials that don’t invilve an injection mold and a “Made in China” stamp.

Please grow a sense of humor. Do you even know why it was made? Americans are such jokes. Please go choke on some lard.

Trust the USA to not join in with the rest of the world. Your just like the fat spotty kid in the playground, sitting alone, burning ants and reassuring themselves that they are cool.

Omg. Did you salute to the flag while writing this?

lol really just cause MURICANS broke it and make you look like idiots.

wow, so edge, such contrarian, wow

Jesus Christ, you’re like a young Andy Rooney who works from a couch.

“To be honest, I don’t much care about which part of the British Isles rightly may claim John Lennon’s ancestry. He mostly was a self-promoting misogynist checkbook activist who imagined no possessions from one of the most exclusive addresses in the history of planet earth, so whichever country wants him can have him”