
Yes, wee Albert’s glib non answers are in fact a concession that he’s an intellectual flyweight. But in his defense Americans are generally dumber than a box of hair, so he’s actually “exceptional” in the context of his squalid Hellhole of a homeland.

If you can’t muster even the feeblest defense of your gape jawed stupdity, then why say anything at all, retard? That you would invoke “logic” when your own is so fallacious just underscores what a fuckin’ yammering moron you are. “Look at me! I’m Albert Burneko, a vapid hipster who aspires to be a douchebro through

Translation: “Duh, I have no rebuttal so I am going to devolve even further into a small child to try and elicit pity.”

Like you leave your car at the mercy of strangers? Maybe if you didn’t spend Logic 101 huffing glue or kicking dogs or whatever gape jawed American teenagers do you wouldn’t be making such a conspicuous idiot of yourself here. I actually thought the article was just really bad satire, but at this juncture you are

Poor Albert. You’re an intellectual midget flailing like Mr Magoo after a line of meth. The simple truth is that America is a 3rd world shithole populated by uneducated, violent degenerates and swaggering, arrogant self entitled fuckwits like you, and that is why the entire planet despises you.

Actually bright eyes, the experiment was a success in that it proved and is continuing to prove that Americans are generally asinine, condescending fuckwits who lash out like toddlers when their shortcomings are revealed. The thing made it through 3 other countries before it got to your 3rd world Hellhole.

So Albert gave him head? Fascinating.

Lol - ^this guy is like a motion sensing ornament that emits the same lame insult every time someone walks by. Not as sophisticated as Hitchbot, but far more deserving.

Oh look — an angry, stupid American. The thing was smarter and had a larger vocabulary than most Americans. As an adult I recognize that your anger is fed by your shame, so it’s no wonder you clowns can’t countenance things that make you feel stupid, which no doubt includes just about everything.

Translation: “Duh! What with being American I am simply too crippled by stupidity to understand what this thing was, and I am too petulant to face my fellow American’s glaring shortcomings, so I am going to lash out and cast aspersions at the source of my unbearable shame! Duh!”