
Did you comment solely to prove she is correct?

Yes, because the world has a shocking lack of thin sex workers in major cities.

Also, the fact that men (you?) will ‘fuck anything’ doesn’t really translate into men happily paying $400 per hour (before tip) for the privilege of doing so. You DO understand how economics works, I assume?

As a side note, my high horse is

...Look, can we stop with the cliche that anything other than a DIY wedding for as little money as possible is inherently terrible? If you are having a big wedding, a wedding planner can save money in the long run through contacts, and can save you a lot of stress. It doesn't automatically turn you into the

I have no opinion on her music (except that I really like Weird Al’s parody of Fancy) but Iggy Azalea always looks AMAZING.

Because it costs $2000+ per ticket for domestic flights?

God I am hating the mother blame in this thread.

Unprepared? :( It’s not like the mom could bring a hot sandwich on board. And the crew could’ve helped more, the mom was getting desperate, she probably wasn’t thinking “terrorist” violence but the self harm her daughter would do.

Jesus. Chill out, Internet Warrior. Relax and step away from the keyboard for a few minutes, it’s surprisingly nice. I’m sure there are lots of other things going on in this world for you to get so worked up over.

Googling supporting sources to get a complete picture before going off the rails is a wonderful thing, I recommend it:

THANK YOU. What’s so difficult about assessing a situation with some compassion and helping someone instead of immediately flipping out to worst-case scenario?

They asked for and paid for hot food, but the flight attendants gave it to her after enough time had passed that the food was cold.

How is wearing a shirt with a swear word something that will take a plane down?

Assuming the airlines bothered to pay attention in the first place and actually pass the memo along (which would likely get “lost in the mail” enroute), and assuming they didn’t just refuse to let her board claiming to be considering the “safety” of passengers.

I also read that, but the Facebook post from the mother indicated that she purchased at least one hot meal prior to boarding, which the child then rejected. The mom claimed that she then informed the FA about the situation and asked to purchase whatever hot food they had. Evidently she was repeatedly told no, even

Being puked on on a plane is basically my worst nightmare. One time I was on a flight where a lady kept walking her projectile-vomiting toddler up and down the aisle while she held him and he puked on at least 5 people over the course of the flight (not me). Like, I understand that it was a shitty situation for her

I imagine that by the time one got to the gate and in the air the warm food would be cold. I also imagine that a simple phone call to the airline in advance could have remedied this. “Hi. I’m on such and such flight and my autistic child needs to have a warm meal for xyz reasons. How can you help me make this happen?”

Then chances are good you are ‘side eyeing hard’ at least a large portion of people who are actually flying with genuinely certified therapy and assistance animals. How about saving the attitude for when it’s actually deserved, instead of rushing to judgement?

What people with anxiety or PTSD really need is some rando

I would assume because it’s not an unreasonable request to make on a plane (They serve food, so i assume there’s an oven or microwave on planes), and also because by the time you get through security (assuming they haven’t deemed it a bomb for radiating heat or something stupid) and onto the plane, it would likely be

Disabilities are not always visible

My therapist simply wrote a note that I presented at the gate. My small, silent dog quietly slept in his kennel at my feet the entire flight. I suffer from extreme anxiety, and my best friend had just died back home (I was flying to the funeral) and had just been laid off from my job so I wasn’t certain if/when I’d be