
I helped a friend create a great short with his partner. In exchange, he was to help me with my short. Over a year later ( and a lot of borrowing of my equipment and my skills) neither has the time to work on my short. When I ask, they offer me educational suggestions on what I need to learn, but they don't have any

What of the triple homicide he and his brother are being linked to now. The police can't fully confirm it, but there is DNA evidence linking them to the scene. If they killed for status, why not publicize that too?

Well, it seems that both Seatosky and tertullian are going to give us the benefit of some BS evo-psych nonsense here to explain the actions of a significantly insignificant number of women. Hurrah!

True, but the female characters are actually characters with agency who do stuff with whom the viewer is able to identify, rather than just being trophies for the male protagonist to acquire at the end of the film. So that's something.

Hey, I'm all for feeling like it was never your bag.

These expressions can mean only one of two things:

Snow White: Baller.

Pearls can be washed with mild soap and water, lace can be washed with mild soap and water. It's not like you have to get a special solution or anything.

Look at this next line and read it 100 times:

This is not about you.

You don't do the bad things mentioned in the article? Then the author is not talking about you. I bet I can find five examples in this article in under a minute wherein West points out that not ALL white male straight men suck. Just the ones that do.

Dude, Lindy already confirmed that she didn't make or defend the whole #killaman hashtag thingy so go and take your hobby-horse elsewhere.

There's a term for compassionate MRAs...we're called male feminists. We understand that these issues the MRA's claim to be concerned about are intrinsically tied to what feminism is trying to change. Devaluing women, as the vast majority of MRAs seem to do, devalues us as well.

It's really weird how Gawker ran this same story, and the comments were mostly supportive of her.

Considering that her wedding was to take place in the city at the epicenter of the earthquake — where thousands were hurt and 180 were killed — it's improbable that the wedding was going to go on as planned. This isn't a question of choosing work over a significant life event, as if the earthquake was a last-minute

So I had a star a million years ago, but I have no idea how that works with the system of now. My star made me feel special.

Fuck it, pizza has been ordered, beer has been bought. And seasons three and four of Mad Men are to be watch. Here's putting this awful week behind me and everyone else!

You can totally cast spells without speaking. It is kind of a major plot point in Half Blood Prince that it's something you have to learn.


Ok, good for you, but um...... I've never assigned anything to cupcakes other than deliciousness. Not repressed women, not the patriarchy, just deliciousness.

Important things about cupcakes you're missing: