
I'm sorry, what? She's the First Lady. Are you saying she's so fragile that her ego will crumble from some nobody somewhere calling her fat? She's obviously not and she has way more to contribute to America than the shape of her body. I simply said that his hateful comments on "queers" are more problematic because

I think the bigger issue is his comments on "queers." He's in a position of authority over kids who are just figuring themselves out and in a vulnerable state. His comments are much more likely to harm LGBTQ kids at the school than Michelle Obama. Not that calling Obama fat is cool or anything, but I think the

Your feelings are totally valid. He's not being fair to you. If he wants a relationship with you, he should be prepared to make a life with you and make you a priority. I'm really sorry you're going through this, because it sounds absolutely maddening. After 3.5 years, it would probably be hard to break that kind of

Gah, that just screams boundary issues. No advice here, just sympathy. :(

I've always interpreted that "protective" bullshit as a sign that the woman in question wants to think that all her guy friends lust after her even if she doesn't want to date them and can't handle them being interested in other women. It's a validation thing.

I don't understand why people insist of being friends as soon as possible with their exes. Give yourself some time to heal and get over the person. You don't get achievement points for how fast you convert a relationship into a friendship, just hurt feelings. Once everyone has moved on is the time to revisit things

Wait, did you make out with him before or after he started a relationship with her? Because those are two completely different things.

Christ, I would not be able to deal with that. You're a saint.

I think it's hilarious.

Done. I'm very curious to see what the response will be.

Is it wrong that I want to use the one with the beaver as my facebook profile cover? It's just too absurd not to, and totally the right size...

Yes, clearly the writer is insecure because she dared write an article that you, sir, do not find relevant. Since everything on the internet needs to cater exclusively to your interests, the writer will be notified of her gross violation.

Sad but true.

Fair enough, I have noticed that and it's a real issue. I was just put off by the implication that Jezebel reflects all of feminism.

"cervix jackhammer" *shudder*

Yes, and we laugh at those brands of feminism, because no one in their right mind asserts that women exist on some higher moral plane than men. But saying that all feminists think like this is complete bullshit and just plain wrong. It's also not why this contest is problematic.

If you actually looked through the articles and comments, you would notice a very wide array of opinions on both Beyonce and Lena Dunham. Not to mention that Jezebel is only marginally feminist, at best. Besides, the two are not even comparable and I don't think we should be looking to pop stars and tv

You clearly don't understand what feminism is.

Dude, are you actually trying to tell me that "feminists" is a monolithic entity that shares a hive-mind and unanimously hates Beyonce and praises Lena Dunham? Because if that's the case, I am really disappointed that I haven't been included in this hive-mind business. What the hell?

You always have impeccable taste in gifs. My expectations are very high, is what I'm saying.