Because it's a business that profits from the pageviews generated by its users?
Because it's a business that profits from the pageviews generated by its users?
My mom was also very critical of my body growing up. I definitely thought I was fat starting in the 4th grade. When I look at pictures of myself from that time, it breaks my heart because I was a perfectly normal-sized kid. It definitely affected my body image growing up and still does.
I completely agree with you. I cannot believe the kind of nastiness he's getting for a comment about his weight loss tips. I guess mommies are just uber-touchy about that kind of stuff.
Jesus Christ, that was the dullest piece of shit I have ever read. Who would pay this guy to write?
Who claimed they were better than anyone?
As Dan Savage says, Mitt Romney is coming after your porn, gentlemen. Your move.
I'm going as 50 Shades of Grey. I'm going to wear a black leather bustier, black skinny pants and black leather boots (all from my closet), make a belt out of those free paint sample cards in different shades of grey from Home Depot and carry around a riding crop. All I need is the crop.
They made a video where she has a prawn in her vag and a lion eats her. All because she committed the horrible offense of telling them she was a fan and asking them to open for her. I think she's justified.
I LOVE his stuff.
American Psycho is based on a Brett Easton Ellis novel.
Yeah, I quite like them too. I mean, I just had trouble interpreting that bit. It's obviously a different context from North America with it's own history of racism etc.
I know. And she's white.
I don't think it's really a contest. Like, she has her music and they have theirs. I was a little put off by the blonde chick wearing blackface in that music video though. Any thoughts on that?
I just wanted to clarify that I was speaking in terms of what is considered best practices in journalism, as well as in terms of the law.
If he had been named, then absolutely. But just speaking in terms of journalistic standards and libel law, until an accused is named, there is no reason to use the word "alleged."
No names were named, so there is no need for alleged.
As someone else explained, while the police have to prove wrong-doing beyond a reasonable doubt, which is a high bar to clear in this case, a university does not. While the university can't lay any criminal charges, it can take disciplinary action if the administration is convinced that the rape did happen. This could…
Yes, that is clearly what the article and people in the comments are saying. Great reading comprehension skills.
They could have opened an internal investigation at least. Or tried to help her change residences. They literally did nothing but tell her to forgive and forget.
Not to be all HP geek, but Ron was not at Hermione's level in book 4. Nowhere near.