
Yes. Violence begets violence begets violence—Sandor was the way he was because of what happened to him. He's molting that violent cynicism now, thank goodness.

Thanks for posting this! It's an extremely obscure bit of ASOIAF knowledge and I'm not even sure if Cersei would bother pointing to it, tbh, but having legitimacy is a good cover for people too scared to balk at her ascendency.

Farewell forever, Essos. You sucked.

If Jon and Sansa can learn to communicate effectively, they can be a powerhouse. Jon: the Honor Angel, and Sansa: the Hardened Southron Cynic. The best path is going to have to borrow a bit from each of their playbooks.

Though belated, I'm glad we've finally gotten to see some of the toll this endless game of thrones has on the smallfolk (same with Septon Ray last season).

Holy shit. That sounds like an obnoxious 1980s satirical novel come to life.

She's been hella typecast. I hope this role changes that for her now.

I watched Brooklyn 99, my comfort tv.

This is the least pleasurable piece of art I've ever seen and I can't stop thinking about.

When Mel first meets Arya, she DOES say that they will meet again! So yeah, I totally expect that to happen in season 7 though I worry that it will result in Arya killing Mel without knowing how badly she is needed in the war to come.

I was going to say that Tywin understands the long game better and wouldn't be impressed at all but then I remembered that he orchestrated the Red Wedding, so…maybe you're right.

I think this is where it gets VERY interesting!

That might be too risky a move, even for Littlefinger.

That's true—the fact that science and technology has barely advanced in Westeros for thousands of years really does lend credence to Qyburn's criticisms of the Citadel.

Maybe they'll do both? I assume the combined forces are large enough to do so—I guess next year we'll see if they're smart enough, though.

Literally none of this is going to happen, sorry bud.

Right. And do the Baratheons even have much of a force anymore? Also who is even in charge over there??!

Just imagining the inevitable non-chemistry between those two makes me shudder.

That's not a very fair assessment—they died in battle.

The first thing she said is "His name is Aerys" (which is a through-and-through Targaryen name). And then she implores Ned to keep the baby safe from Robert because he'd kill him.