
Yay! Great news

The last person men should be listening to is this Milksop

They have the resources to fly them to a state with abortion care

I would give Cult another chance... in hindsight it was one of my favorite seasons

Maybe people will stop coming to his defense after this

Everything I know about Julia Fox has been learned against my will 

Democrats need to go all in on abortion rights. It’s an issue they can win with...

Selena deserved better 

Dr. Stephen Strange just creamed his pants

Spoken like a true rape apologist! And people say Rape Culture isn't a thing... Here you are proving them wrong. If misogyny was a performance then you should win an Oscar 

Trans people have been warning of this for a while now but the “love wins” crowd has been too busy enjoying a false proximity to privilege to listen. This is what happens when we forget "you come for one of us you come for all of us". 

These people like Rowling are literally OBSESSED with us Trans Women and it’s so ridiculous OMG get a life... We are just trying to live ours why can’t you do the same???

I doubt you are actually Trans but even if you are you are still a garbage person with garbage ideas that belong in the garbage. I'm saying you're trash. If you're such a gatekeeper then name 5 gates??? Trans Women like myself, "Weiner" or no, are also Women and deserve to be protected. We are also daughters. "Barely

Might as well just kill our rapists instead ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

*Dave Chappelle has done more for poor people than you could ever dream of asshole. Fuck off with your obvious bigotry.”* 

This hack has big dickwraith energy

Isn’t this the same as Gears of War 3?

Some unkown rea$$$$on

She’s a Transgender Icon they better not kill her off like this WTF!! Sigh at least it’s realistic... they got what they wanted from her and now she’s considered disposable *HEAVY SIGH*

It’s never too late! Sending you love sister :D